Easing Tensions

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Marinette's POV: 

"In that case... who should go first?" Adrien asked. There was a brief pause. "I can, if you want." He offered. I was relieved, as I wasn't quite ready to lay myself all out for Adrien, at least until I'd built up a bit more courage.

"That works for me." I shrugged, trying to hide the fact that I was internally freaking out. My heart felt like it was quite literally beating out of my chest.

Adrien made his way to the massage bed and slowly removed his robe. Every second was torture as I watched him delicately unveil his physique. Time must've moved in slow motion as he exposed his insanely defined back, that revealed the many hours he must've spent in the gym.

He smoothly laid stomach down on the bed, adjusting himself to get comfortable. Before he put his face on the mat, he turned back to smile at me, mouthing "I trust you". I was absolutely dumbfounded, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was foaming at the mouth.

When he was settled, I decided the best thing I could start with was getting some oil, so I went over the table and brought it over to the bed. I slowly poured the oil down the center of his back until there was a generous amount, and I set the bottle down. Turns out I had poured a little too much of it, because as I began to spread it out, I saw him visibly shutter as the liquid traveled off his back onto the lower sides of his torso.

"Sorry." I whispered gently, trying to maintain some kind of relaxation that should be involved in what we were doing, although there was no doubt I was failing miserably.

"It's alright, just cold." He chuckled quietly. So I returned to my work, beginning to rub in the oil across his body.

I traced his upper back mindlessly, wonder if he felt the same warmth that reached my fingertips and traveled down my spine with every touch. His back felt hot, and it felt amazing to roam each muscle. I hoped that he was finding some of my motions soothing and that he wasn't becoming uncomfortable despite his earlier reassurance.

Unhurried, my hands made my way down to his lower back as I tried to move my fists in a kneading motion. Once I was done there, I moved to his mid thigh downward, applying lotion as I went. I was so focused on what I was doing that I was startled when I heard a low grunt. My hands froze on his left leg.

"Mmm..." Adrien groaned under his breath. Was he... actually enjoying it? I didn't want to ruin the moment or make him feel embarrassed, so I just decided to shake it off and continue. 

After I felt like I had fully covered his body with my hands, I broke the almost peaceful silence.

Adrien's POV:

"You're all done." She whispered, snapping me out of my serenity.

As soon as I felt the warmth of her hands leave my body, I instantly wished it hadn't ended so soon. I pushed myself up from my bed using my arms and saw Marinette already holding out my robe to put on, her gaze intensely fixed on mine. I assume it was because she didn't want me to think she was trying to gawk at me while naked. The thought made me laugh internally because of how afraid she looked. 

"Thanks, Marinette. That was... nice." I grinned slightly. "I guess that mean's it's your turn?"

"Oh, um, right!" She fumbled over her words. Marinette appeared to gather her thoughts before speaking again. "Okay, can you look away while I get ready?"

I was shocked by the fact she would think I would do anything else. 

"Of course, Marinette. I'll do whatever you want." I turned my back to wait patiently. I heard rustling noises, followed by the drop of her robe into the floor. 

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