What are Friends for?

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Adrien's POV:

I quickly detransformed and make my way back to the hotel room. Granted, I couldn't enter through the window this time. I used my key to open the door, and entered the bedroom to see Marinette laying sprawled on the bed, looking up towards the ceiling. I didn't want to disrupt her in any way, and I could only assume she was thinking about the interaction she just had with Chat--well... me.

I cleared my throat, hoping that could be a subtle way to take her out of her trance. Marinette turned towards me in shock, but relaxed when she realized it was me.

"Adrien! Sorry, I didn't see you there. How was your walk?" She inquired.

"Oh, yeah. It was beautiful. I still can't believe how pretty the island is." I said, walking closer to the bed. She nodded politely in agreement, shooting me a distracted smile. "What were you thinking about? You seemed like you had a lot on your mind when I first came in."

"Oh, it's nothing! Just worried about how everything is going with my Mama and Papa back at the bakery. I feel bad I'm not there helping them." She sighed. But that couldn't have been the only thing, right? Did Chat's visit mean anything to her?

"You deserve a break, Marinette. You work too hard. I'm sure your parents understand and want you to have a little time off." I told her sincerely. It was true, she needed to dedicate more time towards her own happiness, not other's.

"Yeah... I guess you're right." She replied. Although, I could tell she didn't believe me.

"I mean it, Mari. It's okay to be selfish sometimes." I sat down next to her on the side on the bed, resting my gaze on her to get my point across.

"Okay, okay. Thanks for the pep talk, you're right." With that she sat up beside me. And then an idea hit me.

"Hey, how about we hit the hot tub right now? I'm sure there will be no one there at this hour." I suggested. I bounced my eyebrows jokingly.

"That sounds... like fun." Marinette smiled. I figured she might be grateful for a distraction with whatever it was that was plaguing her, and might as well make use of the resort amenities.

"Perfect, we'll leave in five. Go get changed." I patted her on the back and stood up.

Marinette's POV:

I quickly changed into my sparkly white suit, which I figured would gleam beautifully given it was the night time.

I exited to the bathroom to spot Adrien in navy blue swim trunks, although my attention was mainly focused on his bare torso.

"C'mon, Mari. If we wanna do this we should be quiet so we don't wake up Alya and Nino." he said, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah, right. Let's go." I whispered back, almost excited it felt like we were in on something together. Sneaking out of the room late, just the two of us.

We walked along the stone pathway through the main family pool, which had a stunning waterfall, and flourishing plants of all assortments.

Tiny lights illuminated the path as we finally reached the hot tub, in a secluded region next to the adult area. There was no other hotel guests there except us. I wonder where Chat is right now.

First, Adrien went ahead of me and slowly made his descent into the jacuzzi. He then turned back and offered me his hand. Adrien, always the gentleman.

Adrien's POV:

"Thank you, Adrien." she replied sweetly, to my gesture. She reached for my hand and I couldn't help admire the way she moved as she stepped down into the water. What have I gotten myself into.

Endless Summer (Marichat x Adrienette)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang