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My vision becomes a blur, muffled screams escape my lips as he submerges my head under water. My eyes begin to blackout. Over and over again. He finally grabs me by my hair and throws me out of the tub, crushing my ribs.

"You got lucky this time bitch!" He slurred kicking me in my ribs one last time and exiting the room.

Blood and water start pouring out of my mouth as I cough it back out. My vision goes hazy, and I struggle to keep my eyes open, they win, I let darkness consume me.


Three loud knocks at the door, only getting louder each time. Groaning I grasp the bathroom counter steadying my wobbly limbs. My eyes go wide as I see the horror in front of the mirror. Blood is dried up all over my face, my ribs are the darkest shade of purple and brown and I look physically and mentally dead. He got me good this time.

Sighing I quickly wash off all the blood, wrapping a large old towel around my waist covering the blood stains on my shirt and bruises on my legs. The pounding only becomes louder, and I rush over to the doors using the walls to help steady me.

I unlock the doors as quickly as I can, but it ends up taking twenty seconds due to my health conditions. At the door there stands two officers. A petit brunette lady with delicate blue eyes, short wavy hair and an enormous stack of piled documents in her hands. Next to her stands an average sized man with dirty blonde hair and rough hazel eyes. Both of their expressions soften when they see me. 

The short one clears her throat. "This is Ivah Aldine, step-daughter of Jameson Aldine, correct?" She says, her light blue eyes sparkling with pity.

What the hell is going on?

"U-uh y-yes." My voice says coming out as a croak, I hadn't intended to sound like that, but my mouth was so dry and soar, the thought of cold fresh ice water ached my thirst.

"Are you alright dear? Frog got your tongue?" The man said cracking me a light smile.

I simply nodded my head not wanting to make another mistake.

"Hello, Ivah, I'm officer Kennedy Rodgers and this is my collogue, Dylan Ferras."

I stare at her waiting for her to continue.

She studies me for a moment before continuing. "I'm sorry to inform you Ivah honey, but your stepfather, has passed due to overdosing. We found him at 1 pm today on the side of the road." She says her face full of pity.

My brain hurts. He's dead, huh? Dumbass overdosed... Serves him right but I wish I could have taken him to court for all of the abuse he's put me through. I used to dream of becoming an adult and fighting him. The look I pictured on his face of him being sentenced for life. He got out the easy way.

"W-where am I-I going I don't h-have family." I managed to croak out.

It took the officer a second to understand what I said. "Well, lucky for you we did some background researching a few hours ago and found out you have six older brothers!"

What? Six older brothers? Are there no girls? Lovely I just love men. How come I didn't even know about them? Did they know about me? My brain flooded with questions that one could not easily have been answered.

"Well, we haven't contacted them yet, we wanted to make sure you were comfortable with moving in with them before we ask."

I nodded my head in disbelief.

"Go pack your bags, if they choose to take custody of you or not you still need to come with us."

I nodded my head once again, knowing my voice was useless.

As soon as they turned around making a phone call I rushed up to my 'room' or attic grabbing the few things I had, using the help of the walls to give me balance. 

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