Chapter four

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"Luca what in earth did you buy, didn't Lorenzo say you could pick out a few things!?"

"Oh please, Angelo. You have no fashion sense at all." I say carrying some big boxes upstairs.

"Clearly you don't either you've bought every shade of pink, I'd be sick starring at that all day."

"And a dollhouse? She f*cking 12, kid's now a days don't even play with those." He scoffs helping me carry somethings up the stairs.

"Looks like someone's jealous, do you want a room makeover too Angelo?" I laugh.

"I'm twenty-five, and I definitely wouldn't want one from you."

I roll my eyes; he wishes he could have one from me.

Me and Angelo finish up her room unpacking and decorating everything to perfection, all thanks to me!

"Just wait until she starts complaining about all this stuff, Luca." Angelo says as he finishes sticking the poster on the wall.

"Well then you two can just swap." I state.

"Pff, as if the women I take home came in here I don't think I'd ever get laid again." He scoffs.

"I can't believe you can even manage to get laid in the first place."

"They only sleep with you to get closer to me." I smirk.

"Shut up you little fruit, I've never even seen you hold hands with a woman before." Angelo laughs.

"Well, I've never seen you have a relationship that lasts more than a day." I laugh.

He rolls his eyes stuffing the garbage into a bag.


Lorenzo's POV:

I look in the rear mirror and notice Ivah's asleep. I smile she looks so cute all curled up.

"Is she asleep?" Elijah asks?


"She looks a lot younger than she actually is." I state.

"She does, she looks around 8, I'm not mad about it though she's really cute."

"Yeah, I'm just worried she'll get bullied in school or something."

"I thought you were going to homeschool her." Elijah questions raising an eyebrow.

"I haven't made up my mind yet." I say focusing on the road.

"Let her decide then."

"Mm I probably will, Elijah."

The rest of the ride is silent Elijah's playing some dumb game on his phone, and theirs just trees for miles. We eventually arrive home. I grab Ivah's bag from the trunk and carry her bridal style into the house. At least the boys are asleep they would have woken her up. I open her door and gently place her on the bed. It looks like a unicorn threw up in here, how much did Luca f*cking spend? I place the millions of pink covers over her and kiss her head.

"Sleep tight, bambina."

With that I turn off her lights leaving the door semi open and leave.


Ivah's POV:

I slowly open my eyes. That's weird my bed is normally not this soft. I snuggle deeper into the blankets before jumping out of bed, sh*t I forgot. I look around the nice room I'm in. I wonder whose room this could be. Lorenzo or Elijah I think their names are must have carried me in here when I fell asleep in the car.

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