Chapter five

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I sit on the large white leather couch, I glance around. The similar funny screen I saw on the plane was in the living room except a lot larger. I smiled at it, maybe if I behaved well enough, I could use it on my next birthday or something. I wonder if they even celebrate birthdays. If they did, I bet, they wouldn't celebrate mine.

I rest my head on one of the many fluffy pillows that were sitting on the couch. Will I get in trouble for this? But really, I was too tired to care. Ten seconds later I was out like a light.

"Oh my god, Angelo isn't she just the sweetest." A voice cooed.

"Hm, I guess so. Cuter than most kids." Another voice sighed.

I slowly open my eyes, two tall boys stood. Were all my brother's literal giants? I quickly sat up feeling slightly uncomfortable that they were watching me sleep.

"Uhm, Hi?" I say, coming out as more of a question. I can feel my cheeks flush red. I'll never get used to this.

"Oh my god, Angelo." The youngest looking one pauses. "She can speak!"

"Yes, Luca. She's not a dog." He grumbles.

Hm, Luca and Angelo.

"Are you two my brothers?" I ask. 

"Sadly." Angelo mumbles under his breath.

"Ow! You can't hit me Luca."

"He meant to say, we're very proud to be your brothers." He smiles.

I grin, Luca seems nice enough.

"How old are you two?"

"I'm sixteen and Angelo is twenty-five. He's an oldie."

Twenty-five? How come we all have such big age gaps? He's thirteen years older and he's not even the eldest of them all.

"I'm twelve." 

"We know." Angelo says rolling his eyes before getting slapped by Luca.

He groans before shutting up.

"So, I've met five of you already, I heard there was six, where's the last one?" I question.

"Ah, Xavier. He's my twin, he's at the skatepark, but you'll get to meet him at dinner." Luca smiles.

Twin? What's that? I don't bother questioning him though, I think I've asked too many questions today.

Something starts to ring; Angelo picks up the device putting it up to his ear.

"Yup, baby. I'll be their soon."

My confusion grows, if he was speaking to a baby, how could they respond back?

"Luca, watch over her, I've got things to do." Angelo states before rushing out the door.

Luca plops down next to me, grabbing a black stick with different buttons on it.

"Wanna watch TV?" He asks.

My face lights up. I could watch it already.

I grin while nodding.

He turns on the TV, flicking threw different movies. He swings his arm around my shoulder, I flinch a bit, but I don't think he noticed.

"What would you like to watch?"

I shrugged. "You can pick I don't know much about this kind of stuff."

He seemed a bit shocked but agreed.

"Okay how about Gilmore girls?"

I nodded at his choice.

He clicked play before running off mumbling something about needing snacks.

Ten seconds later he came back with a large bowl full of popcorn, chips, pop. candy, chocolate and many more. He set it Infront of me on a coffee table.

"Take what you want little sis." He smiled.

The words "little sis" made my heart melt, no one's ever been as nice as Luca.

I hesitatingly reached out for a piece of buttery popcorn, maybe I'd treat myself to just one.


4 hours later.

It had been four hours since me and Luca were watching Gilmore Girls, and safe to say, I was hooked! The thought of school really amused me, though it seems it would be really hard, but if I tried as hard as Rory did, I think I could do it!

Luca ate all of our snacks in twenty minutes of the first episode.

"I'll be right back, love." Luca said before getting up skipping into the halls.

A couple minutes later I heard the front door click, Luca came walking in with a skateboard. How did he get back so fast? The halls were huge. He didn't seem to be very happy either like he was a second ago, and how did he change clothes?

"Luca, why do you have a skateboard?" I laugh, trying to enlighten his mood, hopefully he wasn't upset he wasted time with me.

"F*ck off you little sl*t and leave me alone." He says before exiting the room, slamming a door. 

My eyes widen, did that bonding moment we have not mean anything? How could be so nice but so mean at the same time?

I can't believe I trusted him so fast already, when he was really just a two-faced asshole.

I left the living room, wondering into a random room. It was small and cozy. Two padded chairs, a coffee table, bookshelf with a warm cozy fireplace. I smiled before shutting the door and sitting on one of the chairs. Maybe if I were allowed to go to school I could study in here.

I got into a comfortable position before falling asleep.


"What do you mean you can't find her? Lorenzo will kill us!"

"I went to the bathroom, and she disappeared, Angelo!"

Both boys sighed before going back to check for their little sister.

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