Chapter three

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I finished packing after five minutes. I don't own many items besides, my stuff bear and a few pairs of my ratty clothes. I throw everything into my school bag and wobble back down the stairs.

"Ready to go?" The man says eyeing my small bag.

I nod, following them to the front door. They lead me out to their cop car, and I sit in the back.

"We contacted your oldest brother, Alessandro, he was more than happy to take you in." The lady beamed.

I gave them another nod, quickly buckling my seat belt. It had been ages since I've ridden in a car.

The police officers didn't try to talk to me much on the ride to the airport, probably because my answers were short and usually just nods. It isn't my fault, he almost killed me in the bathtub.


"Alright, Ivah, this is where we'll be leaving you." Mrs. Rodgers said as she turned around leaving me in the luxurious, leather, seat alone.

I frowned a bit. I liked being alone, but this was my first time flying and it was rather scary. I quickly buckled my seatbelt and starred at all the funny-looking technology. These were the things Gaston loved to use to watch his shows.

I hesitantly ran my fingers over the screen. The television was only for a man, a girl must clean and cook, especially a bad girl like you.

"Hello, Miss Moretti!" A feminine voice greeted.

I flinched and quickly placed my hands on my lap.

A tall blonde women stood, with hazel eyes and dimples. She had the perfect shade of ruby red lipstick and wore an expensive uniform. Next to her was a cart full of sweets.

"Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you, dear!" She apologized.

"It's okay." I whispered, growing slightly uncomfortable. 

"Would you like any sweets?" She asked gesturing towards the large cart.

"I don't have any money, s-sorry."

"Oh, heavens no! They're free, you're a Moretti!"

This was no doubt a trick, maybe my brothers were testing me already. Nothing ever comes for free in life.

"I'm alright, thank you." I said softly, cracking a small smile.

At least my talking was getting better.

"Okay, call for me if you change your mind! My names Allison." She smiled before pushing the cart down the aisle.

Once I was alone, I pulled my stuffed bear out from my bag. Luna the bear was old and dirty, but she was the only friend I ever had and that was good enough for me.

I smiled at the old bear which was once a soft purple color and carefully placed her gently on my lap, before darkness took over.


"Five more minutes before we land." A voice said through the intercom.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up glancing out the window. The sky was pitch black and hundreds of buildings with beautiful lights were below us.

I smiled watching all of the lights beneath us. It was absolutely breath taking. I had rarely been aloud outside of our house, but it was nothing like this.

The plane landed and I walked off the steps wobbly after not standing for a long period of time. My whole body ached. My ribs felt crushed, my head was pounding, and my legs felt numb. Reality finally set in. I was meeting my real family.

 Don't be silly, Ivah. They won't keep you for long, once they see how ugly and useless you really are.

I have no clue on how I'm supposed to find these people. I decided that I'd sit along a bench next to the plane and if these people had some brain, they'd come check there first.

I sat there for the next twenty minutes, yawning, fighting to keep my eyes open.

A shiver was sent down my spine when I saw two extremely tall men heading towards my direction.

I looked around and realized I was the only one sitting in this area. A frown plastered onto my face. These men couldn't possibly be my brothers, right? They were tall, lean, strong and well a lot more gorgeous than me.

They eventually stopped and crouched down beside me, making them even more intimidating than before. They had defined features, clear skin and sharp jawlines and deep blue eyes. I frowned why didn't I get these goddess genes? I was stuck with light brown hair, green eyes, freckles and dimples which made me look a few years younger than I already was. My body was like a stick, no curves, just pure flatness with aggravating, ugly words carved into my skin.

"What's with the look, bambina." One laughed, a very deep laugh.

My cheeks flushed red.

"Awwe she's shy Lorenzo!" The younger looking one cooed.

I guess these were my brothers the social worker had mentioned a Lorenzo.

"Hi, I'm your brother Lorenzo." He said smiling holding out his large hand.

What did this mean? I stare at his hand confusion evident on my face.

"Uh-hm hi Lorenzo, I'm Ivah-h." I said slowly, poking his hand.

The younger looking one looked back to his brother and laughed, "Guess that's her way of shaking hands, we already know your name, love. My name is Elijah." He grinned as he introduced himself, confidence laced in his tone.

"hi, elijah." I mumbled.

I don't know why he felt the need to laugh at me every time I spoke as if I were a clown.

"Next time someone picks you up make sure to look at the instructions on the paper, we were looking for you for twenty minutes." Lorenzo says.

I remember the paper the blonde lady gave to me; I ended up stuffing it into my backpack because it had random words on it that I couldn't read. I've always wanted to read but I never could. I could make out basic words, "Hi, I'm ___" and simple sentences.

"uh okay I will."

Lorenzo stood up and Elijah copied. Elijah reached out for my hand and I almost flinched but gradually took his hand and slowly stood up.

"Where is your bags?" Lorenzo questioned staring at my dirty small bookbag.

"Uh this is all I've taken with me." I say softly, slightly embarrassed. They were dressed in all black suits with watches. Even an idiot like me could figure out they had money. 

"Oh, that's okay sweetie."

I nod following them like a lost puppy outside.

They walked with amazing posture and long strides, strides I could barely manage to keep up with, they must have noticed because they eventually slowed down to my pace.

We reached an expensive looking jeep/car of some sort. It was all black with tinted windows, it was fairly big. 

Lorenzo took my bag and placed it into the trunk of the car. He also ended up helping me get into the car. He swiftly shut the door and got into the driver's seat. I watched as he put this gray belt/strap over him clicking it into the buckle. I assumed I was supposed to do the same and mimicked him. Smiling as I heard the click, I finally did something right. I rested my head on the window looking at all of the luxurious and lavish lights. I wonder how much it costs to light a large city like this place. I eventually slowly dozed off. 

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