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Namjoon: How's your nose babe? Does it hurt?

Jimin: Not much. Don't worry too much.

Namjoon and Jimin were cuddling in Namjoon's room. Namjoon was really upset when he heard about what happened with Jimin.

Namjoon: I still can't believe Jungkook did that! (Disappointed.)

Jimin: (Rolls eyes.) You sound like Yoongi hyung. It was an accident. Don't blame Jungkook for a stupid reason.

Namjoon: But it's also true that things between you and him aren't going well.

Jimin: And??! Can you blame him for that. We are responsible for what's going on in our group. Both Yoongi hyung and Jungkookie are suffering the most.

Namjoon: I know! And I don't like it one bit. It feels like everything is falling apart and I'm failing everyone as a leader.

Jimin: Shhh babe! Don't say that cause you're the best leader we can ever have.

Namjoon smiled at Jimin.  Jimin kissed him so that Namjoon knows he mean it.

Jimin: But I think we should come out to them. Jungkook is getting miserable everyday. Don't make me start about Yoongi hyung. That idiot looks like head over heels for Jungkookie.

Namjoon: I'm not sure if it's a good idea at this moment. Everyone is in pressure for our upcoming schedule.

Jimin: It'll get worse in the future if we don't.

Namjoon: Let's not think about it right now. If anything worse happen then we will face it together.

Jimin wanted to protest and say something more. But Namjoon shut him up by kissing him on the lips. Jimin knew it's useless to argue for Namjoon's mind to change so he didn't say anything further.

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Their world tour will start after 1 week. They're done with their VCR for this tour 2 days ago. So today all of them are here for photoshoot.

Jimin: You ready hyung?

Yoongi look up from his phone to see Jimin coming inside the dressing room. Stylist had done Yoongi's make up 10mins ago so he was waiting inside for a staff to call him for his turn.

Yoongi: Hmmm. I assume you've finished your solo photoshoot.

Jimin: Yep! Now waiting for our group shot.

Yoongi: Does your nose still hurts?

Jimin: A little swollen but nothing our great stylist noona can't hide with her make up power!

Yoongi chuckled at Jimin playfulness. Then he took his cup of coffee one of the staff gave him and took a sip.

Jimin: Hyung..!

By the look on his face Yoongi knew Jimin wanted to say something serious.

Yoongi: Get to the point Jimin-ah.

Jimin was shocked at the straightforward of Yoongi. But decided to do what was told without beating the bush.

Jimin: You should confess to Jungkook about your feelings for him.

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