Comfort In You | 5.

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The few bodies inside this place was the first thing anyone entering noticed , which seemed strange so to say. Especially when it is famous for its Tuesday deals.

You could actually see almost every detail of this place , that's how unusually empty it was in here tonight. A few bodies , not more than twenty were dancing on the dance floor. You could actually see everyone's movements. There was none of that people getting sandwiched and exchanging bodily fluids of sweat via forced physical contact.

The humongous club felt empty tonight , seeing a few more people , whom one could count , not more than fifteen sitting inside booths.

Even the normal dancers were nowhere insight on their main stage. That confirmed that something had happened in here, but the big question is...


What happened in here?

What took place that left the place free of their usual customers and their employees absent?
It must have been something so big that it shook the people.

And why wasn't it on the news and why hasn't she seen anything about it online , I mean Lure is a household name. Unless its owner is keeping things under serious wraps. Shriad thought to herself. But then again she thought to herself, how else would she have known because she was busy crying over all the bad things happening in her life. She looked over to her friends to see if they were also seeing what she was seeing.

Scott was vaying for a brunette's attention , sending winks in said brunette's direction , while she batted her eyelashes at him , obviously saying she's also interested.

The human courtship behaviour seemed weird to Shriad , as she found that the constant prey and predator game was anything but worth giving her time to. She couldn't understand why the females succumbed to such acts and tricks males did to get their attention and then later get access into their honeypots.

The males would stare long enough at females until their eyes meet and they would then send winks and smirks while the female species found this behaviour to be very inviting, they would respond by batting their eyes at them and sending small smiles in their directions. Then , some, if brave enough would then proceed to go to the dance floor in an attempt to show their 'hunters" that they could sway their hips in circular motions , sending hints on their other bedroom skills , giving the males their own private shows , yet not so private because competition is always lurking around. That gives the males a little push to step up before said competition steps up before them.

Shriad found this to be time consuming and really unnecessary. But what did she know about the courtship behaviour and flirting because she has never in her life flirted. Not that she didn't have suitors vaying after her attention.

Shriad simply did not think of herself to be beautiful enough and attractive enough to have suitors after her or showing any romantic feelings towards her . Sure she had dark orbs , long beautiful and rich hair , long legs that she found to be nothing close to being attractive because in her head , women with long legs were anything but attractive.

Hence her choice of clothing hid her body from the rest of the world. If anything , Shriad had no positive self-esteem.  All she ever knew was to criticize herself. She has never felt a sense of accomplishment after achieving something.

"Scott." she called out to him , but he didn't hear her calling out to him.

"Scott!" she tried again a little louder.

"Yes! Sorry I didn't hear you," he flushes.

" You notice how empty it is today?"

" I didn't but now that you've mentioned it I can actually see it . I thought we were early or something." he says scanning the room.

The group of friends were sitting peacefully inside the booth that gave them a view of the entire club. In front of them were shots , bourbon , taquila and cocktails .

" Didn't y'all hear that three bodies of women around the ages of twenty , twenty two and seventeen were found here last Saturday?" Lorenzo says , shocking the two friends .

Lorenzo is Mira's husband. The charming man with a heart of gold came out with them tonight. He was a workaholic, but tonight he knew that Shriad was not okay but would have never voiced it out. And he's here supporting his wife and Shriad. He understood that Shriad was a very proud woman.

" Three people died here?" Shriad asked , eyes wide as saucers. Mira nodded while Scott let out a low whistle.

"Man and one of the bodies was a child ," a seventeen year old. someone said.

No wonder it was empty in here. People were terrified for their lives , and with good reasons.

"Do you know what happened?" Shriad found herself asking Lorenzo.

" No one knows yet and that is what is scaring off the people."

Fear of the unknown.

The owner of the club must be very devastated. He is losing money with each empty seat and unopened bottle of liquor.

"The families must be going through a tough time." Lorenzo voiced out sympathetically.

"Right , the families. Poor families must be devastated as well." Shriad thought , feeling guilty for only thinking about money.

What else could she think about when all her problems rooted from money ?

It hit here then and there. It was almost like a switch had been flipped on inside her .
The universe must have heard her prayers because she came up with a brilliant idea. She glanced around the bar , in search for one person .


She couldn't believe that he had been the solution to her problems all along and she didn't notice it sooner. The bartender with black silky perfectly combed hair and stormy eyes that threatened warmness.

Nevertheless, she smiled at herself for finally realising it now.

He was mixing drinks for two people sitting on the stools. She smiled at her brilliant idea.

" I'll be back." she said as she took two shots before sighing , walking towards the bar , her eyes set on her target like a predator. She reminded herself that she desperately needed this.

" Hey can I talk to you for a second?" she said as soon as she sat down.

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