Comfort In You | 9.

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I settled into my new workspace an hour ago. I could feel everyone's eyes on me the second I left Ronald's office , of course I stayed and waited for my sobbing session to come to an end. Otherwise a new rumor would have been sparked. It took a simple thing to start a rumor in this place.

I tried my best not to let their stares get the best of me and it was difficult but I wasn't about to let them see me cower. I made a vow to never show any sign of weakness in front of them. The day I got called to Ronald's office and he delivered the news of my new reality- that was the first and last time they'll ever seen me down.

This department. The fifth floor. The department where people who didn't make it in this place worked. This will be my place of work now.

" How the almighty have fallen." I heard someone snicker when I walked past. Great. I had to interact with people who didn't even want me here. The upside to this demotion is that Ronald put me in an office. Another reason to add to the people who disliked me.

Ronald is a complicated man. Sure he gave me an opportunity when I was fresh out of high school. He groomed me and taught me everything about this place but he never treated me like I was special. I never got special favours , instead he treated me the worst. He knew his male employees were sexist perverts and egomaniacs , and he knew their behaviour towards me was vile and unprofessional but he never did anything about it. He watched from the sidelines. I thought he was a heartless old man who'd die alone because of his coldness but he surprised me by his actions when he learned about my added obligations. He increased my pay ,not by much though. Just enough to take care of my obligations and have a place to eat and sleep.

Looking at his punishment for the damage I caused , sure he gave Steven my accounts. He could have given them to anyone but him and I wouldn't have minded. Sloane could do a much better job than him anyway but that's just Ronald. I think he has something against women getting more praise and work done than men. I could have gladly shared everything I knew about the clients from those accounts to her and now I have to do that to that prick.

Demoting me and cutting my pay was another major punishment. I'm glad I didn't tell him about the potential client I'm about to acquire because Steven would just persuade him to give it to him instead and steal my shine once more. This was my lifeline. My ticket out of this mess and I will protect it against at cost.

He granted me grace by offering to take care of my obligations. I would forever be grateful for that.

My new office is nothing like the one I have on the upper floor. This one is much smaller in size. The colour of these walls are white , there's a wooden desk right in the middle of the room and a black leather chair behind it , a wooden chair was on the opposite side of where my chair was . On top of the desk was the box that contained my things , I assumed. Glad to see René didn't break anything.

Behind my new desk and chair was a small window without blinds , I'd have to get new blinds for this office. A small cabinet was on the right corner of this maze and that was it.

I was extremely grateful that Ronald put me in an office. That way , I would avoid interacting with anyone and I will definitely avoid socialising. This door would always be closed and the blinds shall remain drawn too.


It's been three days into my new reality and I must say , I'm adjusting to the new changes, not that I have a choice or anything. It's official Sloane has deserted me and has left me on my own in this place. Today marks three days without her showing up for work. I can't exactly call her because I'm still having major trust issues in using my phone. Getting a new phone is not in my budget either , I could use that thousand rands to sort out my bills or get groceries.

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