Comfort In You | 6.

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The florescent lights bounced on every reflective surface in this place. Tonight's attendance was not even close to the quarter of the number of people that come here daily.

The incident must have really shook the people , to have them stay away from Lure. Getting people to stay away from this place needed a miracle. Even on the coldest day of the year , Lure would be the only place that is jam packed full, with bodies close together. And I'm pretty sure that the owner of the club is not happy wherever he is.

No one likes the idea of losing money. Ask me , I'm an expert of being heart broken over loss of income. Loss of income means to do a major cut down on things and that's a stress on its own. Not knowing what to cut down, in my case, I could even afford to do that major cut down because everything I already had was already cut down , major. At this rate , I'll die before I even reach thirty.

   I'm trying to picture my headstone engravings.

   Shriad Salomé Kumar
A loving friend and a wonderful family member , who  lost her life too soon , to cardiac arrest due to loss of income.                                                                                                                  

That would be a funny headstone. Imagine everyone coming to visit their loved ones and having to pass my grave first and seeing what my headstone engraved. They would think I led a poor life. Which is true but they shouldn't be thinking that I led such a life . The embarrassment. Why am I thinking about what my grave and headstone engraving will be?

Shriad, you have got to live because this pathetic life you are living sister , it's not it. My subconscious reminds me.

What am I trying to do right now ? I sass back.

Which brings me to this moment . This would be the perfect time to cue Fetch your life by Msaki and Prince Kaybee . That's right , I'm fetching my life – The life I'm supposed to be living , you know the one I was destined to live. That one , yes I am fetching it or using the correct term , attempting to fetch it.

His grey orbs stare at me bewildered and his mouth is hanging agape. I don't think he is breathing . He remains frozen in place like a statue. I have killed a man. Panic beginning to arise , I check the coast to see if no one is making their way over to the bar for a refill or something. When sure that no one is approaching , I remind myself of scenes from the movies where someone is not responding to calls. Ding ding ding , a scene that matches my predicament  comes to mind . I breathe in and out , trying to relax before I damn myself worse than I already have.

I raise my glass filled with its content , I pour the delicious liquid into my hand and then I did it. I sprinkled the drink on his face , and when that didn't work , I began to hyperventilate. I was certain , I would spend the night inside a jail cell and that I would be banned from  ever setting my foot in here ever again. I imagined having pictures of my face put up on the walls , reading.

NOT TO SET FOOT INSIDE. blood quickly rushed to my cheeks . I knew the warmth I felt there was stemmed from embarrassment. On the verge of a panic attack , adrenaline pumping through my system. About two things that happened simultaneously.

I don't know how it happened , I was still contemplating the action , I didn't realize I was doing it. Only when he woke up from his trance and trying to shake off the wetness that it dawned to me. It happened so fast yet so slow.

I had emptied the half full glass with its content inside on him. He came back to life immediately, life was present in his grey orbs. Like a wet animal , he shook of the wetting dripping from his head. I was almost happy that no one was close to proximity. He took a cloth and ran it on his damp black shirt.

I expected him to raise hell,but no hell came. He didn't even seem angry. He just seemed surprised,he still had the look of pure shock as before. While I was busy panicking.

"I'm sorry!" I shrieked.
I guess I was shrieking now. Still in panic mode and clearly not in the correct mind, I pulled my blouse over my head and I started using it to dry him off as well. Murmuring apologies as I worked. My shaky hands touched his hard chest — he must work out a lot. Blood rushed to my entire body. I was certain I was a scarlet mess, my ears felt hot. My heart race increased. It was hammering and pounding dangerously close to exploding. I cursed at myself for my reaction. My knees threatened to give up supporting me.

Yet I couldn't bring myself to stop touching him. Finally, after getting my breathing to calm down. I slowly brought my eyes to meet his. His stormy eyes just stared at me– frozen on what I was doing. He just watched , with no sign of anger or irritation present in them. Just amusement. He was a beautiful man. I knew I was flushed and I knew that he knew that I was flushed.

"I'm so sorry." I flashed him a smile. The universe knows my smile is anything but beautiful, not even charming but I had hoped that it would at least show him that I was very sincere.

And then I watched the most magical thing happen. He held my hands that were still trying to fix his shirt. His strong hands caged my trembling ones. I felt hot. Not the hot women associate with beauty. My body actually felt like I was on fire. My eyes remained frozen on his face. I watched the most beautiful smile or was it a smirk? I couldn't confirm , tug on his face. He bat his long and dark lashes at me , closing his eyes for a mini second before opening them again and looking at me through his lashes.

I was thankful that he was still holding me , otherwise I would have collapsed. I forgot to breathe. My mouth hung open. He was bedazzling me.
"Hey. It's okay." his deep voice sent vibrations throughout my body.

"Hey hey hey , it's okay. Breathe. I'm just wet that's all." he assured me. I released a long breath . It was okay.
"I'm sorry . I just saw you frozen and I thought I had killed you." I went on rambling. He let out a soft chuckle. God this man.

"Thanks to you , I am resurrected." he joked.

"I need to go change." he told me , my hands felt cold from the absence of his touch. He put a sign on the bar that said he'd be back in twenty minutes. He began walking towards the one area that was clear . I watched him stride with his long legs.

I didn't know what to do with myself . I was not sure whether to wait for him or return back to the booth.

"You coming?" he asked me. Confusion must have been evident on my face because he chuckled before murmuring something I couldn't catch.

"So you can tell me more about your proposal?" he let the sentence hang in the air. 

My cheeks immediately went scarlet. Shoot. That's the reason we were in this place . I had made a proposal and he froze.

"Uhm..." I couldn't find the coherent words.
He seemed to notice my struggle , "Please. I am interested." he declared.  I couldn't help but think that there was a doubling meaning to his words.

With a nod , I stood up and followed him.

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