4. Taking A Year Off

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Amelia's pov

Today is the day we are leaving England, but first Jude dm'ed me wanting to meet up before I left, apparently this was his last day in England also. So I got dressed for the day and asked him where he wanted to meet up, he told me to just come up to his room so we could just hang, surprisingly we were both staying at the same hotel. Emily was up and I asked her for an outfit choice and she chose the black crop top and a green cargo pants paired with a green flannel and my white airforces.

 Emily was up and I asked her for an outfit choice and she chose the black crop top and a green cargo pants paired with a green flannel and my white airforces

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The outfit

Jude texted and said his room number was 2035, so I was currently in search for it. I was a bit nervous to be honest because this is going to be the first time seeing him again after the match.

I found the room and knocked on the door, about 30 seconds later the door opened to the one and only Jude Bellingham.
I smiled when I saw him and said,"Hi" , he smiles back and said "Hey, come on in, how are you?" "Im good, how about you?" I said as I walked in and he closed the door behind me. "I'm alright", "so what are we gonna do?" I asked turning to look at him. "Well the first thing I'm gonna do is give you a hug and then ask you for your number, after that we could do whatever you want until your ready to leave" he said giving me a smirk. We hugged and my God did he smell great I also gave him my number and he gave me his then we decided to watch 'Arrow' even though for the first 2 episodes we were just talking.

"Thank you for today, I really enjoyed my last day in England because of you" I said as I was standing by my room door because Jude insisted he walked me there as the gentleman he is. "It was no problem to be honest, i had a great time too, just so you know we are gonna finish that series together" "I know, no need to worry we can go on video calls and watch it together, well i should start packing, thank you again for today" I tipped up and kissed him on the cheek and gave him a long hug. We said our goodbyes and I entered the suite smiling from ear to ear. The girls all looked up from their phones and  started screaming asking me how it went, I told them everything and they chorused "AWWW". After that I went to my room to pack and then we were on our way to the airport. Before we boarded the plane Jude called and asked where I was and I told him we were boarding now I would call him when I was at home. He said ok and safe travels I said the same thing to him aswell and ended the call.

Next day☆♡☆♡☆♡

I've been up all morning thinking about what I'm gonna do, if I'm gonna choose one of the univiserities or if I'm gonna take the year off. It would be nice to take a break from school, I mean there is always time for that, and I wouldn't be not going to University, I would just be taking a year before I start. Oh My God I have to tell my Mother this, I don't know how she is going to take it. Well it's 8am now I guess I should go downstairs and talk to her.


"Hey mom", I said walking into the kitchen. She looked up from the waffle maker and towards me with a smile and said "Good morning my pumpkin, how are you?" "Im fine mom, I have been awake since 5 am this morning thinking about school and I was thinking tha-" "That you could take a year off before starting university?, yeah I know this convo would come up soon, I mean you have worked your but off not to dissapoint me, I know I've been hard on you honey but it's only because I want whats best for you, your my last child.... mi last belly pain, yuh know diss baby girl,  so if you want to take a year off that's fine I'll talk to Chris and Michael and tell them that your not going to University straight away" she said with a smile. I stood there flabbergasted. I had to pinch myself because I could not believe that this was my mother who said that to me, she knows what my dream job is, she knows how hard I will work to get what I want, so I guess she has faith in me. I ran by her side and tackled her into a hug and said, "Thank you  mama" she laughed at me and we started making breakfast together I even told her about Jude and she says that if we get serious she would like to meet him, I told her that I doubted that. "Common man, he is a famous footballer do you really think he would be interested in me?" "Baby girl, what do you see when you look in the mirror, any guy with eyes would be head over heels for you, and you personality alone would have guys begging you to marry them. But regardless with what your saying and Jude really texted you first, asked for your number first, gave you his jersey  and walked you back to your suite then Yes he is interested" I continued making the smoothie in deep thought, dad and Serena came down and we all had breakfast as a family then went unto doing or normal daily activities, I just went upstairs and reorganized my closet and added my new clothes to my collection and took out the clothes I wanted to donate. Jude called and we talked forever we even got the chance to finish season 1 of the 'Arrow'.

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