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Chapter Seven: Troublesome


They were so close.

So Close!

Cale couldn't help but grumble under his breathe. He never felt so frustrated in his life. He wants to go back to his temple and sleep. For a few thousand years and never leave his forest.

Why did he agree to this God given world-wide trip anyways?

Ah, right. His Spirits.

Out of all the people he had to meet. It had to be Henituse's Main Family.

Cale wanted to groan but kept his stoic face-okay, maybe let out a peirce cold gaze to show he's irritated seeing them.

He bet it's that Emperor's fault.


Deruth Henituse was on the verge of tears as he looked at Cale with a shock, sad and relieved look on his face.

"What the fuck are they doing here!?" Crazy kid cursed also feeling the same as his master.

"I bet It's the emperor's idea." Super Rock growled, glaring at the said blonde who stood his ground.

"One after the other.." Cale Mumbled under his breathe. He could feel the headache coming in from just thinking of what will happen.

"Let's leave while we can." Glutton said, getting closer to Cale.

If we leave now, who knows what kind of troublesome problems will occur. Cale thought, dreadfully

"Hyung...? Is-Is that really you?!" Basen Henituse stepped forward, tears were brimming at the edge of his eyes.

Great. Now he felt guilty for making a child cry. (He will ignore the fact that Basen is now twenty-two)

"We're really behind schedule..." Cale muttered, not noticing how it was heard for everyone. "We're supposed to be at the Forbidden Forest by now."

"We can still make it." Super Rock ensures, looking over at Crybaby who tried his best not to wrinkle the scroll out of anxiety and frustration.

"Yeah and leave as soon as possible."

The Emperor looked baffle at Cale's words. "You're just going to leave?!"

Glutton roll her eyes before settling in a scowl. This was definetly the half-elf's plan. Does he really think he'll stay just because the Henituse's family is here. When are they going to understand that 'their Cale' and 'Their Cale' are entirely different?! Not to mention one of them is Dead?!

"Yes we are." Thief replied with a hiss. "Stop delying us any furthur, Emperor."

"This is getting ridiculous.." Cale muttured under his breathe.

"Far too ridiculous." Super Rock agrees.

"Can I have a moment of your time, sir."

Cale turned to see that the stepmother of Cale Henituse had come forward. She may looked calm and seriouse but Cale could see she was trying her best not to break her character from grief and disbelief.

"We don't mean to delay you but will you let us have a moment to ask you a few questions?" Violan questioned earnestly. Cale looked at her from up and down before glancing at the rest of the Henituse family from behind her.

The Siblings were still crying and Deruth seemed to be on the verge of breaking down.

"Will you make it quick?" Cale crossed his arms. "I'm behind schedule at the Moment."

"Of course." Violan said with a slight relief. "Are you My son, Cale Henituse?"

"No." Cale answered. "Your Son died along with White Star."

"I see." Cale couldn't blame her for sounding a bit disappointed. "May I ask where are you going?"

"Henituse Territory. The Forbidden Forest."

"Then, Would you like to come with us?" Violan offered, making some of his Guardians alerted.

"Why would we?" Thief asked, furrowing her eyebrows at her.

"I'm sure you will have less trouble if you have permission to enter. What better to do it in our home." Violan reasoned.

Cale thought about it. It would be nice to go through the forest without causing a fuss. But then again, he had come through different places without permission. Cale thought this was only an excuse just to get a bit closer to a man who looked exactly like their late son.

"Cale...?" Super Rock called, asking what's his decision is.

If he refuses, there will be a chance that there will be many people looking for him. Especially the Hero's Party.

"...Fine." Cale agrees.

He needs to talk to both parties to leave him and his guardians alone until he finishes his job.

God, he wanted to drink.

Violan looked a bit happy and relieved at the response, the Siblings didn't hide their joy and Deruth had calmed himself down with a smile.

"I guess We're staying." Crybaby muttered and hid the scroll.

"That means I can eat the food in the feast!" Glutton exclaimed in joy.

Cale then turned to the party with a glare. "I hope you will be prepared for a talk at Super Rock's Mansion." Cale told them before turning back to the way of his room. His Guardians followed him.

"Oh, please bring some food and wine to the room." Thief said to Ron as she passes by. The Butler nodded.

"Why couldn't we fucking just go?" Crazy kid muttered in frustration.

"I don't want necessary disturbance in the future. So I wanted to talk them in the Henituse Territory about it. Hopefully they'll see reason." Cale explained.

"Let's force them with a Sea of Fire, Cale!!"  Cheapskate suggest with a wide grin.

"We don't want to kill anyone, you idiot!" Thief scolded.

"But Cheapskate has a point..." Crybaby voiced out, sounding so solemn. "If they don't see reason, we be doing it forcefully."

"What's more is the God's Prophecy." Super Rock added. "They said themselves that the Kingdom's downfall with in the hands of the Hero's party."

Cale had come to earth to stop that prophecy, ordered by the Gods' that had brought him back to life. But they also said that if it had happened beyond of his power than it wasn't his fault.

The Gods' knew the World will fall. Just not in the Hands of White Star. They just tried to give the world a chance with the little power they can give.

Cale sighed as he layed down on his back in the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Cale just wanted this to be over.

"Here you go, Cale." A glass came in his view. He sat up to take the glass of Wine from Super Rock and took a sip. He could see his Guardians eating in the cart.

"Are you sure we shouldn't be leaving by now?" Super Rock asked, for reassurance.

"I'm sure." Cale took a sip. "Or else they won't leave us alone."

But if they don't agree with his terms and try to use force. Well...

He will gladly let the World burn.

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