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A/N: Hi! So this chapter might be a little short and confusing, so sorry about that! But enjoy either way


Chapter Eight: A Glass of Sweet Red


Cale should have thought this out when he agreed to have dinner with the Henituse family. Alone.

He should at least have one of his spirits to come with him. Specifically Thief and Super Rock.

[Glutton might eat all the food, Crybaby will be too nervous, Crazy Kid is inappropriate to kids,-- with all the cussing-- and Cheapskate is too loud.]

Now that he think about it, they send Basen Henituse and Lily Henituse to announced the dinner. They thought that with them, Cale won't deny them.

Cale had to hid a groan because it worked.

He sipped on his wine as he silently observed the Henituse Family. They were nervous but not tense. Violan seemed more calm than Deruth.

The kids were lighting the mood by telling their studies and training and the parents were commenting them.

Cale stayed quiet, listening in to their voices. For some reason it made him feel nostalgic. Cale Henituse's memories perhaps? Or is it mentality? But either way, it is not his own feelings were being produce at the moment.

Deruth then coughed, clearing his throat. "...Cale." Deruth seemed hesitant to say that name but he says it with confidence that Cale mentally applauded for. "I would like to ask about your intention of going to the forbidden forest."

Of course He'll ask. He's the Duke after all.

"Alright." Cale says as he put the glass down. "But any personal questions aren't allowed." Cale warned lightly.

That seemed to satisfy the Duke, judging from the soft smile he has on. "Then, what kind of investigation do you intend to do?"

"It's a precaution." Cale answered. "I do know that the Tiger clan and the Wolf Clan lived there, in Harris Village, but the forest is the one I'm focused on." Cale explained without voicing too much of the truth. "I can assure you, I have no ill-intentions."

Deruth seemed skeptical but seemed to trust his words. Is it because he looked like his son? Well if it is, Cale doesn't mind using it to his advantage.

He might be Cale Henituse, He might act like him, talk like him, moves like him. But Cale doesn't go out his way to steal that identity. He's not that kind of a jerk. Unlike that Radish.

"We will give you access." Deruth concludes before he nodded at Violan who nodded back as if agreeing to it. It was Violan who spoke next after turning to Cale.

"But due be careful in that forest." Violan says softly as a Mother would when they worry for her children. Cale suddenly felt iffy when that attention went on him.

"Thank you." Cale says, hiding his voice of discomfort. "And I will be careful."

It was easy in Cale's opinion. But anything to get out of here as soon as possible. He drank his wine in one gulp.


Cale let out a sigh as he entered his room. He Had just finished the dinner and discussing the terms and regulation on regarding on his 'inspection'. It turns out better than he thought.

Once he entered the room, he was greeted by his spirits sleeping on top of each other on the couch minus Super Rock who was waiting for him.

"How was the dinner, Cale?" Super Rock asked as he offered Cale a glass of water after noticing his flushed face.

"Fortunately, uneventful." Cale says, taking the glass and drinks it slowly. "We have access to the Forbidden forest so this time there's no need to be sneaky."

"I see." Super Rock nodded in understanding. "When are we leaving?"

"In two days, We're leaving with the Henituse." Cale says as he sits down on the bed before glancing at his sleeping spirits. Cheapskate was the one in the middle, snoring, Glutton and Crybaby each of his sides, leaning on his shoulders, and Crazy Kid and Theif were leaning against Crybaby and Glutton perspectively.

They are soundly asleep that Cale couldn't help but smile.


Cale's smile faded once he heard Super Rock's voice sounding so serious with a hint of worry.

"Do you think we have time?" Super Rock asked. When Cale turned to his oldest Spirit, he looked like he had seen better days, worry etched on his wrinkles.

"...Don't worry, Rocky." Cale assured, even though he knew it won't work. "Let's do the percedure in the forest. No one will see us there."

"But Master...."

"I don't want anyone to see like that, Super Rock and you know it." Cale says a bit stern. "And if I do it here, there's a low chance that they would let him go."

Super Rock didn't say anything, only having that complicated look in his face to which Cale understood.

It's been half a month since his last episode, Crybaby was started to get worried once he sense it happening after Cale passed out the other day.

It might've triggered it to come this early.

"Let's not talk about that now." Cale says, brushing off the familiar uneasy feeling inside him. "Let's go to sleep." Cale casually lays down onto he bed, covers up on his body.

Super Rock didn't respond until he sighs. "Yes, Master." Super Rock says as he walked away from Cale's sight to join the others on the couch.

Cale only stared at the distance before closing his eyes.

What a troublesome inspection.

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