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It was about 11:00 o'clock when Cyborg entered your room to wake you up, since it was on his day plan. "You've been asleep for about 12 hours, the human body needs to at least get up and enjoy life." You respond by "Well this human body doesn't really care for life right now." Cyborg quickly opens up your blinds having the light shine in your room, you quickly pull your covers over you. However, Cyborg took your covers away from you, "It burns!" "Get up women, stop being dramatic and go eat something." You then heard someone ring the tower doorbell "Its here!" Cyborg yelled, then ran out of the room, you decided to get up and fix yourself up before you go see the team. As you finally got to the main room the titans were talking about a power chip Cyborg bought, "What is a maximum seven?" Starfire asked "It's a new computer processor, it's eight times faster than the maximum six. So I guess we were upgrading the titans computer?" 

"No were upgrading me, with the maximum seven I'll be able to do more, see more, get more out of life than ever." Cyborg said, by answering Robin "Dude you actually want to do more stuff, my goal in life is maximum couch time." "Same." You smiled agreeing with Beast boy "I understand wanting to live life to its fullest, but putting a chip in your brain?" Robin tries to reason but it won't do anything "My head is already full of chips and I ran a complete full diagnostic on the max seven to see if it is fully compatible with all my systems. Totally safe." Cyborg opens the crate to reveal a floating chip "Yeah that looks safe." Raven commented in a sarcastic tone, Cyborg quickly ran to his room to check out his new toy all you hear in the tower is "Booyah!!"...."I think it worked." You said tiredly, later the Titans alarm started to go off "Adonis is attacking the beach." Robin says when checking his communicator "Titans go!" Beast boy quickly said "Isn't that Robins line?" Raven asked "Yeah but we never got the chance to say it before, I saw my chance and took it." "Can we just go?" Robin asked annoyed 

The Titans go to the beach, Cyborg blasts him "What's the matter Adonis starting to feel the burn?" "You weaklings don't stand the chance, Adonis has an upgrade." Adonis picks up a bus and throws it to the team, the titans get out of the way except for cyborg who explodes the bus in half. Robin was about to hit Adonis until Cyborg pushes Adonis out the way "Wooo high five for the assist." Robin gave Cyborg an awkward high five, Starfire was flying and blasting at Adonis until Cyborg said hi running the same speed as Star. Cyborg began punching Adonis, You brought up the weights about to send it to him but Cyborg picked up the weighted rope to hit Adonis all the way to the sand.  Adonis start to throw a barbell weight to Raven "Azarath metrion-" "Zinthos!" Cyborg cuts off raven and pushes the weight right back at Adonis. Beast boy is running toward Adonis in a dinosaur form, however Cyborg started running on top of Beast boy to get that big jump to punch Adonis "Dude Cyborg is...more Cyborgy than ever!" "Agree he now opens larger cans of the butt whoop." Starfire says agreeing with Beast boy 

Adonis finally gave up and passed out "Alright beat the bad guy, and just in time for dinner." "So I guess that chip works." Robin says "Oh yeah! with this thing driving my circuits I can do more than ever." The car drove itself to the team "Hop in were doing pizza." You were just happy hearing you were getting food. The next day at 8:00am Cyborg was doing an obstetrical course mostly destroying it surprising the team. You were mostly chilling out on the couch as you see all day Cyborg going back and forth doing this and that he even made a barbecue commercial. He also beat raven at chess "Welp gotta go places to see things to do." Raven began to turn pale white "Dude I'm getting tired of watching you, slow down." Beast boy says "No way thanks to the maximum seven, I'm having the time of my life!" The titans alarm started to go off "Titans trouble." Billy Numerous was robbing a bank the titans go to the scene "Alright I got a sky diving class in 15 minutes, lets handle this one fast." "Y'all might be able to handle one Billy Numerous but lets see how you handle 10." He started to duplicate to more "You're going to be late for class." Raven said letting Cyborg know

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