Chapter 4

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Evangeliya was hesitant.

She knew if there was another plan to kill Klaus, Katherine would one hundred percent want in on it. She knew if it were the other way around, she'd want to be included.

But talking to Katherine again after almost one hundred and fifty years was not something she was eager for. Even after Damon sent her the contact, she debated actually making the decision to click 'call' and begin the conversation.

While she procrastinated on making a proper choice, she holed away in the nearest college computer lab, wrapped in a blanket with a bag of chips beside her as she popped into her usual online chat rooms, informing a few of her friends about the fact Klaus was a hybrid, and having them begin spreading the world that Klaus's blood was the only cure for a wolf bite.

She sent an email to Klaus's first sireling, Lucien Castle, who she knew had a large company with many resources, letting him know that after so many years of vampires believing there was no cure for wolf bites, suddenly there was hope. Lucien responded simply, saying he would begin research now that he had an idea what the cure was based off of. Evangeliya expected to have a dose made for her once he had it ready, a thanks for having tipped him off.

She then wove her way through a chain of lieutenants for The Strix, passing the same message to Elijah's first sireling, Tristan de Martel. Aya was usually the one who responded, which she didn't mind, but this time, he'd replied personally and agreed it was a good idea to add a wolf bite cure to the plentiful inventory of Strix compounds, including many poisons, their antidotes, and even biological weapons they had under their control to ensure the humans didn't annihilate one another. That secured her perhaps another dose, and more recipes for poison that often came in handy.

The hardest part was tracking Mikael. Slater had never found anything factual about him, only legends and different stories about what he'd done. He had always kept a low profile, and last Evangeliya knew, he'd been in New Orleans in 1919 and in Chicago in 1922. One of her contacts placed him in Georgia in the 90s, but Evangeliya wasn't sure she believed it.

He'd disappeared so suddenly. Though few, many sightings had been documented, and she was made privy to every single one. But then after the supposed Georgia sighting, there was nothing. As if Mikael had vanished into thin air. She suspected perhaps a witch was involved. Maybe he had cloaked himself, maybe he had done what Klaus did, taking another body and hiding his real one.

She started trying to find a witch on her own, perhaps someone with the unique ability to commune with the spirits to see what older, dead witches knew of the past, of what happened to Mikael, all the circumstances surrounding his disappearance. If, for any reason, someone had managed to incapacitate him, she wanted to know it. And she would want that person on her team.

Unfortunately, none of the witches she stood a chance of acquiring were as powerful as one from a more ancient bloodline. A few here and there from smaller Covens who practiced Traditional Magic. Still, nothing compared to a Bennett witch with access to an entire bloodline, living and dead, and Spirits who sometimes gave a nudge in the right direction. Evangeliya needed Lucy, she knew it. She was much more experienced than Bonnie, perhaps their only hope for finding Mikael.

Finally, she couldn't stand wondering any longer about what else could be done. She neede Lucy's number, and Katherine was her direct pipeline to it.

She sent a text, "Рина, Имам план да убия Клаус веднъж завинаги. Илия или не Илия. Можете да бъдете част от него ако ми дадеш номера на Луси Бенет. Помогни ми и ще го убием заедно. -Лия." (T: Rina, I have a plan to kill Klaus once and for all. Elijah or no Elijah. You can be a part of it if you give me Lucy Bennett's number. Help me and we'll kill him together. - Liya)

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