Chapter 10

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Apparently, the night hadn't gone so well for everyone.

Lucy had had a good time. She definitely liked Kol for what that evening had been: a good one-night stand. On the flip side, Elena was apparently miserable after learning Damon had slept with Rebekah.

"Damon and Rebekah," said Evangeliya as Lucy watched her start packing her things. "Not on today's bingo card."

"Bulgaria, then?" asked Lucy.

"Yep. You?"

"Probably go visit some cousins for a while, then we'll see. I could travel with you later on, maybe in a few weeks."

"I'll be eager for you to join me."

"Will Finn join you?"

"Maybe, if he decides to break free."

"Do you like him?"

"As a friend, yes. As more? I don't know. But I enjoyed one night with him, it was all I needed and I sense it was all he needed, too." Her phone began to buzz. "Would you look at that? Elijah's calling."

She stepped out to take the call. "Good morning."

"Evangeliya," he said. "I believe something is wrong."

"Um... what do you mean?"

"My mother... she is up to something. What do you know?"

"All I know is she wanted to talk to Elena."

"And yet, I believe she lied about what my mother said to her."

"She definitely did. Though, I don't imagine Elena will tell me the truth if I ask her. She may be nice to me but none of them will ever trust me again after I gave Klaus those coffins."

"I do not need you to ask Elena. I need you to ask Finn."


"Yes. I worry he is helping my mother with whatever she is planning."

"But... what could she be up to? What end is she aiming for?"

"I do not know. But he has been... oddly peaceful today."

"Elijah, I need to tell you something and it may make you angry if you were jealous yesterday, but I think a bad feeling I have may be relevant."

"I know you spent the night with my brother. He has assured me it meant nothing to either of you. That is all I need to know."

"You still sound unhappy."

"I'd prefer you were not with any of them, for your own safety."

She figured she'd wait to ask him why that was. "Well, anyway, Finn didn't want me to find Sage right away when I offered. He wanted me to wait a day. Then, the way he asked me to sleep with him was almost like he was getting it out of the way, crossing it off a bucket list... it's so hard to put into words because it felt so weird but it seemed like he was in a 'one last hoorah' kind of mood."

"That strikes me as someone who does not intend to live much longer. I must go speak with Elena and demand her honesty. I will let you know what I find. Do not leave for Bulgaria until we know for certain."

"Wait, Elijah," she said. "Are you implying Finn is going to kill himself?"

"I have another fear, Evangeliya. That he and my mother are going to kill us all."

She packed a little slower while she waited for him to get back to her. Truth be told, if Esther was going to kill someone after all, then she would not care if Klaus died. But she didn't think Elijah, Rebekah, Finn, and Kol should suffer because of what he did. They weren't exactly model citizens but they weren't the abusive ones who'd ruined countless lives the way Klaus had. Besides, Evangeliya actually liked those four. Having them die wasn't set to be pleasant for her.

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