22 - Bright

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[A/N] I didn't realize how aptly named this chapter was until I proofread it—

Neo speaking: "It will look like this..."

Neo thinking: It will look like this.

Others who are NOT Neo thinking: 'It will look like this.'

Neo's mainframe/AI: [It will look like this.]

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Walking through the garden-like courtyard of the Silvan Family Hospital, Mirio was thinking of many things. He was here to visit the children. He promised he would, after all.

Two days had passed since Izuku and Mirio's first visit. For those two days, they were the only thing the teens could think of. They'd already put together their plans and explanations sending them to Principle Nezu the minute they finished. They were delighted when the genius animal approved their request almost immediately.

The greenette had been busy since then with his class's performance preparations, while Mirio checked in with the children every day, just as he'd promised. One could see it in Eri's eyes that she was pleased to see him so often. They spoke of anything she wanted, and he told her even more about the festival and his school.

He was over the moon to be bonding with Eri more. He felt like he'd gained a little sister, which made him even more driven to protect this precious girl. That left Neo... he was a work in progress.

Little Neo was quiet most of the time, simply listening when he wasn't in his room. He was a much tougher challenge to befriend than Eri had been.

See, the little bot wouldn't let him closer than a certain point. It didn't matter if it was just speaking or actual distance; it was like Neo had a barrier around him that only let certain people in. Mirio, sadly, could understand why that was. Aizawa made it painfully clear.

'It was only recently that he realized that everyone isn't out to hurt him. Putting him out into the open... I'm not sure how well he'll handle it.'

Mirio remembered his words well. It was impossible for him not to, as they were gut-wrenching in implications. No one outside of the staff, Bakugou, and Eri knew a degree of what Neo had gone through. For someone like Aizawa to say he wasn't sure about something meant many things. And he meant many things, and not in a good way.

Mirio made it his mission to help Neo be more comfortable around him. Around people in general.

So after taking in the lovely, fresh scent of the flowers around him, decided he'd visit the little tyke once again. He'd heard from Lucio that they were going to be doing a few tests with him today, and he wanted to be there as support!

Ah, Lucio. A very well-known name in this hospital. Outside of Nurse Lin at the front desk of the ICU floor, the next person you'll see often is Lucio Silvan. All the patients on the floor knew him as the friendliest person. He, too, found that he was quick friends with the ever-bright nurse.

Honestly, it was impossible not to be friends with that guy, he was the walking personification of 'good vibes'.

Mirio had the privilege of being tended to by him while he too stayed in the hospital after the raid. Though he wished they'd met on better days...

Sir Nighteye, a friend, a teacher, and an irreplaceable part of Mirio's life had just passed away. He died, he was gone, and he left with a smile on his face. He'd asked him to continue to smile, he'd told him everything was going to be okay. Even in his final moments, he reassured Mirio that his future was bright. His funeral had been held and here he was, sitting in his hospital room alone.

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