Away for the while

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I looked at how huge my stomach have gotten these past few months. This has probably been the biggest i've ever been. Things haven't exactly been going well for me, and he hasn't been the nicest. As if being pregnant wasn't enough trouble.

The gown i had been wearing ever since i've gotten here doesn't even fit me anymore. And it smells horrible in here. I hate it here. I've been way too homesick. It's been hard for me to admit this but i miss my mom. I know she probably misses me too.

My thoughts were interrupted by the constant kicking on my side. Of course. I guess i better eat something before  it punctures a hole through my stomach. I made my way downstairs and fixed me a plate of the leftovers of the food Dosse had made yesterday. Anthony wasn't here, thankfully so i could eat as much as i want.

I think he's having second thoughts about the baby. He's never around for me anymore. I feel like he's grown uninterested. I took my food out of the microwave placing it one the table before grabbing something to drink.

I sat down at the table, gorging on my first breakfast for the day. Everything was so quiet and depressing. After a while i didn't even wanna eat anymore. I just sat there looking at the rest of my food, just picking at it.

There was a knock at the door, a voice followed after.

"Come on now open up."

-Anthony pov-

I filled the cart with her favorite things, it was better than nothing at all. I should have brought a pillow just so i could suffocate her. But she raised me better that than. She would probably start fighting back.

You'd think dementia would start kicking her ass right now. But i guess god has other plans.

"I can take the next person."

That voice sounded awfully familiar, to my surprise it was. My face turned into a smile as i loaded my stuff onto the conveyor belt.

"Nice to see you again."

"Yeah i can't really say the same for you." Sean respond.

After i was done putting my stuff on the belt. I stood in front of him, "that's not great customer service."

"i'm sorry would you like any bags for today. will you be using paper or the reusable ones that have for 98 cent?

"How's your girlfriend?"

I guess i struck a nerve, his jaw tightened and i assume his fist was clenched as well. There was a paused moment between us, him getting upset was amusing. He crossed his arms, "it's gonna be $62.79 cent.

"You deserve a raise." i said before sliding my card inside the card reader.

"Oh really?"

"yeah maybe then you could start buying your girl something nice."

"This a joke to you man!"



His boss gave him a rude glare before pushing him aside to help me. Sean stood behind him scolding me, not my fault you don't know how to use your inside voice. After his boss cashed me out, he apologized relentlessly for the rude outburst. And wished me a good day.

I smiled and thanked him looking back at Sean.

"Hope your day gets better." i say before grabbing my bags and heading through the side entrance. I laughed at my way to the car. Yeah she's definitely in better hands.


Mother sat up in her bed, just looking out her window like she always did. I neatly placed the things i have gotten for her earlier. And changed out her old roses to the fresh new ones i had brought. She didn't seem to bug.

CrookedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ