new beginnings

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I smiled as the the familiar air of my old neighborhood filled my lungs, i was gonna be back where i belonged. Meredith insisted that we go to the police since, she had left her phone at Anthony house. But i just want to see my mom. I just wanted to feel like the old Valerie, as Meredith pulled in front of my house. I noticed some changes, they weren't major but everything looked brighter.

I walked up the stairs to my old house, i could even feel the feeling in my fingers, as it touch the front door knob. I rapidly knocked on the door, expecting for it to be answered quickly, but it took some time.

When the door finally swung open, the person looking before me just looked extremely confused. This wasn't my mom.

"Um can i help you?" the younger dark haired lady asked before covering herself with her sweater.

"Oh i'm just looking for my mom..i'm sorry i must've um.."

"Yeah im sorry you're mother must of been the person living here before us, i can give you the landlords number or something." the lady spoke but it's like my ears wouldn't listen. I just felt so overwhelmed. So defeated.

"Ma'am are you okay?"

I tried to respond but it like my mouth couldn't open, i felt like a still statue about to be knocked over. My knees bucked forward and the everything that was once light went to black.


I could hear the chatter between the doctor and Meredith. I don't know how long i was out but it must have been for quite some time because it was bright and early, as if a new day had started.

"We'll look who's awake? You've been out for a bit of time there, dear." the doctor said looking down to meet my gaze.

I looked down at my baby bump, it was still there. "yeah, don't worry that little guy is nice in cozy in there." the doctor smiled gesturing to my stomach.

"Little guy?"

His smiled turned into a frown as he quickly realized that he just revealed the gender of my baby, not knowing that i probably didn't know. He quickly tried to retract what he had said and began apologizing. But at this point i didn't care.

Having a boy is the last thing i wanna worry about.

"We'll good news is you've survived that nasty fall, bad news is your baby isn't getting the proper nutrients and vitamins that he needs."

I tried so hard not to roll my eyes, but sadly failed. He probably thought i was such a bitch.But i could really care less about what he has to say right now. He left the room, Meredith sat besides me.

"I know you're probably thinking about a lot right now. Is there anyone you could call-"

"I doubt it."

i crossed my arms trying to think of the options i have for myself. Being held captive changed everything, everyone probably thought i was dead now. Gosh, have i been gone for that long for so many things to change, for so many people to just give up on me like that.

A small tear fell on my cheek, great and now i'm crying in front of her.

"I know we don't know each other that well, but i owe you for the bravery you've shown last night. You can stay at my place for as long as you need." she says giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

I shook my head and refused, i can't do that to her, i can't put in her in anymore danger than she needs to be.

"I can't let you do that."

The was a sounded knock at the door, i assumed it was the doctor but instead of it being him, it was someone else. My father, he rushed over to me and held my tight,i'm sure he was able to get a good feel of my bump.

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