1. Reunion

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Hendry was not looking forward to the day ahead, meeting his dad had never been an enjoyable experience. Aside from the boring conversation, the constant reminder of his dad's high expectations always made him want to roll his eyes and skip the meeting all together. An afternoon rendezvous sounded much better than sitting in a meeting room with his dad, talking about his well-planned future.

The future that Hendry couldn't change, well... not everything was set in stone, but he lacked the motivation to make the change, too busy with work and playtime with his lovers. His parents had made sure that his education and experience will groom him to be the next successor to manage his family wealth. With over two hundred billion of family net worth, Hendry knew that as the oldest, between him and his brothers he was the true heir of the family. The one with the burden to rest it all on his shoulder alone.

Unlike his brothers, his parents had enrolled him in early private education for boys to ensure his future. And Hendry had been independent since the moment he went to his all-boys prestigious school at the age of ten. Now at thirty-four, Hendry tried to balance his life with all work and more play, because that was the only way he knew to keep himself sane.

That day he spent the morning to afternoon at work. After the brief meeting with his dad, Hendry was trying his best to focus on his tasks. He was well aware that his PA had knocked on his door to remind him about his date for the charity event.

His mind drifted to the conversation he had with his father earlier. He couldn't believe he had forgotten about the charity event, especially since his dad had made it clear that it was important for the family's image. Unlike his spoiled brothers, his attendance was mandatory. Sometimes Hendry envied them because they didn't have the burden of being their dad's successor. 

"Can you connect the call for me Sloan, and tell me her name again?" 

Yep, it was his trusted personal assistant who managed to secure his date for the event. It wasn't the first time for Sloan Bryson to call the reputable escort agency and secure his date for an event, and Hendry was sure that it was not going to be the last. At least not in the near future. 

"Ms. Mae Harper, I've sent her address to your driver of the day and I've scheduled your departure time at six-thirty. That will make you reach her place just before seven, then you both will arrive at the event in perfect time, not too early but also not too late." Sloan smiled confidently at Hendry, and the man looked a little bit swooned when Hendry gave him his sexy confident smile. Well, it was actually his regular smile, but Hendry could always make someone smitten without him even noticing.

"Thanks, Sloan, you're my savior."

Sloan smiled at him one last time before he retreated to his desk, and went back to his work moments after connecting the call for his boss.
Hendry felt a wave of relief wash over him as he thanked Sloan. Maybe the charity event wouldn't be so bad after all. He just hoped that his date would be hot as hell and said the right things, so he can fuck her later in the evening. Maybe. A quick fuck will settle the turmoil of emotions he'd been pondering all week.

He knew most of the women Sloan set him up with from the escort agency had been all to his satisfaction. But there was one or two that just didn't quite reach up to his expectation. And tonight he wanted a good one, 'cause he really needed one, and looking at Mae he was at ease thinking he'd be having a jolly good time later after the event.

Half an hour into the event, Hendry suddenly needs a stronger drink when he sees his old college buddy by the bar. So, he excused himself from his date and lazily dropped his arm on Brody's shoulder. Just like he used to do back in college.

"Buddy! It's been too fucking long. You never said you're back in the city."

Hendry laughed when he saw Brody's cheeks go flush with embarrassment. "Dude we're not back in the frat house." He tried to shrug Hendry's arm off of him but his hold on him was firm. The man was not letting go of Brody, not anytime soon.

"My date is charming some old client of my dad's, seriously, I thought the man was going to slip on his drool. I thought I was getting both of us a stronger drink before getting back to watch how the scene will unfold. But jeez, dude, do you even miss me? How long have you been back?"

Brody's dad ran a lucrative business in real estate and the man had been building his empire for as long as Hendry knew Brody back in college. Mr. Curran had tendencies to send his oldest, Brody, to set up offices all over the country. And, his college best friend would slip out of Hendry's life for two and sometimes three months at a time. This time it was taking Brody over four months to set up the office since according to him, there were renovation projects that he needed to supervise. Hendry listened as Brody explained his situation as they both lounged by the bar and drink more exquisite brandy.

"I wish my dad would send me all over the country, I bet you get to taste different pussy with different states you're in." Hendry visibly exhaled in his dreamy hope and it made Brody laugh telling him that the situation was not always so glamorous and he was not always surrounded by a different woman. "I'm not a freaking sailor who had different women in each port, Hendry," this time it was Brody who rolled his eyes knowing Hendry would exaggerate everything about sex. Cause of course Brody knew that aside from business, sex was the only language that Hendry speaks.

"But yeah, I've had my moments." Brody teased his best friend and finish off his drink before ordering a new one.

"Damn, I'm too fucking jealous." He shook his head and drank more of his drink.

"Hendry, I think that's your date coming for you."

"Pfft, Sloan arranged Mae for me. I stupidly worked myself to the ground that I couldn't get a proper date for this evening."

Brody chuckled cause once again, the man would know that it was the kind of thing that Hendry would do. He had always been like that since their college days, the handsome man just didn't realize it. Hendry would work on his project, while the rest of the guys in the frat house were busy partying their weekends away. Yep, Hendry couldn't hide from him because Brody would know since he had always kept an eye on him.

And when one night Hendry was too frustrated and sexually deprived because of his drive to take two degrees at the same time to please his parents, that night Brody had let Hendry kissed him. And since then he had been pinning on his ex-housemate. Things couldn't go further though, they tried dating, it just didn't work for them.

Too much testosterone between them was their conclusion. No one would want to give up their will to submit, both men were strong leaders. Though the sparks between them were blinding, the frictions and argumentations were equally tiring.

Hendry had settled on becoming friends with his ex-frat buddy, the man who looked too gorgeous in a tux that just made his cock stir under the confinement of his zipper.

"Mae, darling, I want you to meet Brody Curran. He's my buddy from college." The playful boyish smirk was plastered easily on his handsome face and Brody looked forever calm as the man smiled at him and his beautiful date.

The sexy modelesque woman let Brody kiss her hand and she greeted him in a perfect manner like she was born to be captivating in the presence of two powerful and successful men.

Their conversation carried on as they took their seat for the gala dinner. Hendry was between Mae and Brody as he decided to put his respectable public image back on and gave his attention to his date. He was putting on his social facade, giving the impression as if Mae was the perfect date for him and she was doing the same and more. Brody who was perfectly aware of the situation didn't say a thing. The man looked tired and Hendry was not sure he liked seeing the tired eyes on his old college lover.

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