4. Urges

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Hendry was supposed to have a quiet night, he did not expect to get a call late in the evening from Sloan, telling him that Brody was drunk. Knowing how Brody would get when he's wasted, Hendry knew it would be a disaster if he was left alone to take care of himself. But seeing Sloan in his club attire as he helped his buddy settle in on the sofa, all lean and smoking hot in those tight jeans, Hendry quickly forgot about Brody.

"Eyes up here, Sloan." Hendry let out a sexy laugh when Sloan was blatantly checking him out. 

"Uh, right," the PA gave him a shy smile and Hendry was feeling a soothing sensation and tried to shrug it off by offering him a drink and then getting a bottle of white, needing the light and sweet alcohol to bridge their conversation. Sloan had hesitated to have the drink, but Hendry always managed to get him to do what he wanted. And the bossy side of him wanted Sloan to stay, so he stayed and had a drink while Hendry fixed his eyes on the perfect view in front of him.

"So, you go to Zephyr a lot?" Hendry asked as he passed him a glass of his finest wine. 

"Not really, I couldn't sleep." He shrugged as if it was enough to answer the question, the man looked at Hendry while he was lazily sipping his wine like it was an everyday occurrence that Sloan would come to his apartment late in the evening and have a drink with him. 

The way his PA easily flustered was doing stuff to him. Sloan was always professional at the office and Hendry was still figuring out what made his behavior change.

"I should really get back," Sloan finished the wine and put the glass by the sink. "Do you need me to help you to get Brody to your spare bedroom?"

Hendry finished his wine and rested the glass beside the empty one Sloan put moments ago and stepped closer deliberately invading his personal space.

"Mr. Camden, w-what are you doing?" Sloan blushed and stepped back until his back bumped the kitchen wall.

"Maybe I'll let you call me Mr. Camden after all," He whispered in his ear, his lips slightly grazed Sloan's cheek and Hendry hummed when he felt his assistant shudder as their body pressed against each other.

Sloan's hands dangled to his sides awkwardly as if he was not sure what was going on between them. "I shouldn't be doing this, Sloan, you've tempted me too many times already." Hendry lowered his lips to his clavicle and lapped on the exposed skin, before he gently sucked it, all while their groin pressed harder against one another.

"Mr. Camden...please,"

Hendry groaned when he told Sloan to touch him. "Your hands, on my body, do it," again, Sloan easily followed his instruction and rest his slightly damp palm on his boss's chest. He looked like he wasn't sure about touching him anywhere else and it made Hendry get even harder for him.

Without any hesitation, his hands were on Sloan's backside, slithering lower to his ass and cupping those sexy butt cheeks over his jeans and squeezing them.

"Fuck, you're too damn sexy," he mumbled, biting his ear after giving Sloan's neck a hard lick and grinding his hardening cock to his.

"Uhhghh...more," Sloan's hold on his t-shirt was getting tighter, but he didn't move. The man was like a trapped little mouse and Hendry felt like he was given free rein of his body and that notion made him growl and wrapped fingers around his slender neck and claimed his mouth with his own.

Sloan's lips open easily as he lets his boss's tongue inside him and Hendry pressed him harder against the kitchen wall.

Was he really going to have hot wall sex with his assistant? Hendry's mind was clouded with his sexual urges that he gathered Sloan's hands and slipped them under his t-shirt and wrapped them around his body instead. "So much better," he sighed when he broke from their kiss and Sloan whined as he obviously wanted more kisses.

"Hmm, and here I thought you were not interested in me," Hendry's fingers hold his neck tighter, forcing him to look up and his thumb traces the plumped lips and slipped inside. "Suck," He smirked while his other hand went under Sloan's jeans and underwear to squeeze his bare ass making him suck harder. "You're such a good little mouse aren't you?" His words sounded predatory and it made Sloan whimper as he licked Hendry's thumb and suck it sensually.

"Open your mouth," Hendry demanded, a moment before he took out his thumb and dived back in to kiss the sweet tempting man pressed against his kitchen wall.

Sloan was getting horny for his boss, it has been so long since his last quickie and he had been pinning for Hendry Arnaud Camden for too fucking long. There was nothing that he wanted to do but tear his clothes off and climb onto his boss's body like a tree. His little mouse. Oh, if he only knew what Sloan would let him do to his body. He wanted nothing for Hendry but to end his teasing, but he couldn't. Sloan didn't want to break from his seduction and be his dirty sex depraved self. He wanted whatever Hendry was going to give him and if he was to be the quiet little mouse then he'd do it. Sloan had been too needy for his boss's touch and he knew he'd do anything his boss told him to do. Just like he always does.

There was more kissing, squeezing, and grinding while Sloan's back was planted firmly on Hendry's kitchen wall. All was too intoxicating, way more than any alcohol could make Hendry think of ways to get his little prey onto his bed, spread him open, and dicked him down all night long. He had only felt this much urge for another man and the said man was sleeping on his sofa behind them.

As if his thoughts connected to his ex-lover-now-best-buddy, Hendry heard a loud groan coming from the sofa before a quick rustle of a blanket and hurried steps moving away from the living room.

Yep, Hendry turned around to see that Brody had seen them and the man was running towards the bathroom. "Shit," he cursed and quickly followed him when he heard Brody puking his gut out. But he was too late and he was already making a mess on the guest bathroom floor.

A hand, that was Sloan's reach out from behind him with a damped towel and he gladly accepted it when he pulled Brody up to face the sink and take care of his mess, lifting his shirt off and throwing it onto the floor covering the heaps of vomit.

"Leave it, Sloan, you're not the maid," Hendry muttered when Sloan tried to clean the floor as he was too busy to hold Brody up and clean his body at the same time. But he knew that he said the wrong thing when Sloan stiffened behind him.

"Right, I'm the PA. I-I should...I should leave you and get back home."

There was disappointment in those soft brown eyes, though Hendry didn't get to comfort him when Brody decided that he needs to empty his stomach at that same time.

"I'm fine, go get him." Brody's voice was throaty from puking, but Hendry shook his head thinking he'd see his little mouse again tomorrow at work.

"You're not fine, Brody, you're fucking wasted and I'm not going to leave you to choke on your vomit."

"Fuck, that's so gross." Brody still look pale and his body was leaning on Hendry's for support. But yeah, Hendry was not wrong, Brody thought.

Brody had gotten wasted thinking about his fucked up life, and when he woke up and saw Hendry was making out with his assistant, he lost it. The urge to vomit made him run into the guest bathroom, though he was too wobbly to make it to the toilet and made a huge fucking mess. Once again embarrassing himself.

But Hendry had always taken care of him. Brody started to relax when the familiar sense of his ex striping him naked and taking him under the shower made him feel better. Afterwards, he was tucked into bed with his best friend spooning him barely naked from behind, and Brody knows tomorrow was going to be a disaster, but tonight... tonight he was going to let Hendry hold him and kiss him on his shoulder as he drifted away to slumber.

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