2. Bestie

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Last night didn't turn out bad at all, and Hendry woke up the next day with Mae still asleep naked by his side. After all the sexual activities he should feel better, well, the tension was mostly gone but somehow he still feel like something was missing. 

Work, yeah, that was it, Hendry thought as his brain was slowly jump-starting and connecting his body with the will to get up and start his day. No one should wake up at six a.m. after only a couple of hours of sleep. The feeling that lingers after last night's sexual activity was gone instantly when he saw the time on his phone. That Friday he was supposed to be on the golf course doing more networking.

He groaned when the alert that Sloan set up for him started beeping frantically. Mae woke up and stretched her body like a beautiful feline arching under the sun. Though it was still dark outside, Hendry wish he had the time for a round of quicky. The second alarm warned him that he was wasting his precious minutes when he can start sipping on his morning coffee instead.

"Fuck you, Sloan," Hendry grumbled to no one, but he get out of bed and went straight to his ensuite. Minutes later his feet led him to his spacious kitchen where his coffee machine awaits and he starts his morning routine by making the perfect two cups of coffee.

Hendry smiled when Mae walked out of his bedroom looking perfectly gorgeous with her bed hair, and back to wearing her clothes from last night.

"I should leave," she smiled back at him but decided to linger when Hendry offered her a cup of the steaming hot latte. "Such a perfect host." She praised after sipping her perfect cup of morning coffee.

"You're not so bad yourself." He flirted and pulled her in for another kiss, seconds before his third alarm reminded him that he should get dressed and go to the club.

"You're a busy man, I will leave you to start your day. You know where to find me." She pecked his cheek and strutted out of his penthouse apartment. He finished his coffee and put their empty cups in the sink for the maid, then went back to his room to get dressed and left the apartment less than ten minutes later.

The day was set, a quick breakfast at the club then a round of golf with his business associates before Hendry ended back in the confinement of his office and back to the end of the week managerial meetings.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Camden." His PA greeted him from his desk.

"Don't mock me, Sloan, your alarms had just ruined my perfect morning." The man stopped by his assistant's desk and sat his ass while he casually flipped through the written down notes that Sloan compiled while he was out of the office.

"Hendry," Sloan practically purred his name knowing it irritated him even more, while he gathers the documents that his boss needs to sign, "I'm your PA, it's my job to set those alarms. So I take it things goes well with Ms. Mae Harper?"

"Yeah, she was perfect. Too perfect, she made me wish that I get another chance with her this morning. But then I didn't, because of your alarms." He scowled and Sloan chuckled before he got up from his desk and opened his boss's office door. The sexy man followed behind his assistant and couldn't help himself to not enjoy the view.

Hendry liked watching his assistant. Sloan Bryson is a very attractive man. But he was off limits. The man was his PA, a good one at his job and he didn't want to lose the guy when things ended between them. So, this was what he let himself enjoy, little banter here and there between him and Sloan, and obviously looking at his sexy behind when the man was oblivious to his staring. All those gazes and flirts need to be enough since Hendry had gone through PAs like tissues, before Sloan.

His dad scolded him for his lewd behavior, telling him that HR had had a lot on their plate already and that him changing PAs should not be happening every six months. But back then he just couldn't help himself. Now, Sloan had been with him the longest, and honestly, Hendry didn't know how long he could keep his hands away from the guy. Maybe one day he should get older ones, less attractive ones, though he had tried. Older men and women, they just didn't fit well with his work pace.

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