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Bagheera led the three of them to the Peace rock.
"Don't mess up with them." He reminded them one more time.
Although he is taking them to the Peace rock, he is not at all sure whether Raksha would accept them. They do seem to tell the truth. He sighed.
"How far is the Peace rock?" Scarface asked, tired and exhausted by all the swimming and hunger.
"Not much. It's just after this grazing field." Bagheera replied.
All the three of them gasped when they saw the grazing field. The forest where they lived didn't had so much open space. And all the animals here. There were so many of the herbivores. Rhinos, deers(which were somewhat different looking than the ones they have in their homeland). And buffaloes. There were a lot of them.
They started walking through the field. With all the animals' attention on them. Bagheera already said not to hunt now. It might disturb the jungle. Either way, all those starings were making Saya a little uneasy. She has always lived in her homeland without much status, so nobody actually stared at her that much. Suddenly getting so much curious stares was pretty uncomfortable for her.
"Um... do they have to stare at us like that?" She whisper-asked Bagheera.
"Well you all are new here afterall. But don't worry about that, they know me and wouldn't dare to hurt anyone who is with me." He said.
"Oh,okay." She said.

He must have a good status here. Getting respect from your prey isn't really easy.

"We're here." He said.
Then he removed a bush with his paw, which was blocking their sight.
And outcame a rocky area with a giant flat rock at the top. A grey wolf was laying there. And there were many wolves around. There were wolves from the youngest to the oldest. All either resting or playing around.

But the one cub who took the three's attention was playing with some of the wolf pups. But that wasn't the point, the fact was this that it was a HUMAN CUB?!

All three of them stopped in their track.
"I-Is that a man cub? Playing with wolves?" Cleo sluttered.
"Well, yeah," Bagheera sighed," His the one I wad talking about. I know you all are surprised,but don't try to mess up with him, as I said before." He said,in a tone of warning.

Till then, Mowglie has spotted Bagheera. He has been kind of missing him since Bagheera went to welcome some new animals, or that's what Baloo said him, and Bagheera was out for a long time. Well, that's what he felt.
Seems like Baloo was right about Bagheera greeting new animals, as he could see another black panther,a female, and two other types of......memeber of the cat's family. They looked very much similar, except that they are golden yellow in colour with spots of brownish black. He never have seen the three of them in the jungle, but he was sure that as long as Bagheera is with them, they won't hurt anyone.

So, Mowglie left his brothers and happily went to Bagheera.
"Bagheera!" He hugged him," Where have you been all the morning?" Then he paused for a while," And who are they?" He asked looking towards the three.
Bagheera smiled at Mowglie's big curious eyes and then said," Mowglie, meet Saya, the black panther, and the other two's names are Cleo and Scarface, they are leopards. Saya,Cleo,Scarface, meet Mowglie, the mab cub who lives with us." He introduced all if them.
"Wow! We don't have any leopards here. Nice to meet you guys." Mowglie cheered.
Cleo just rolled her eyes in annoyance. Scarface chuckled at Mowglie's childish behaviour, while Saya said, smiling," Nice to meet you too, Mowglie. I've seen man before, but none of them was as nice as you, neither could they speak our language. It's really.... unique."
"Really! Wow! You are really friendly, unlike Bagheera." Mowglie said excitedly.
"Riiiiight." Bagheera said.
Saya laughed at this.
"Alright, enough chit chats. Mowglie, they need to talk to Raksha now." Bagheera said.
"Why?" Mowglie tilted his head.
"Well, they can't go to there home." He replied.
"Why?" Mowglie asked.
"Because their whom caught red flower."
"Okaaay. Why?"
"Alright, enough with the 'why's. They need a home to stay, and Raksha could help them with that." Bagheera said, getting a bit frustrated.
"Alright." He said, then turned to Saya.
"You are really nice. Can you be my friend?" He asked naively.
"Awww," Saya smiled," sure. I'd love to be your friend. But to be your friend, I need to live here. And to live here, we need to take permission from Raksha. So, would you let us go?"
"Sure!" Mowglie replied happily.
"Finally," Bagheera sighed in releive,"let's go now you three."
They followed Bagheera to the big,flat rock where the she wolf was sitting, gaining another bunch of stares.
"Raksha," Bagheera called," some new animals came here and cannot go back home." He paused,"This is Saya, Cleo and Scarface. Cleo and Scarface are known as leopards, a member of our cat family."
"Hmn. I see. And, since you've brought them here, I assume they don't mean any harm to the jungle." She turned her gaze to the three of them.
"No, we don't mean any harm to anyone." Saya replied.
"And since they don't have anywhere to go, I was thinking if you could let them stay in the jungle?" Bagheera asked.
"Hmn." Raksha thinks for a moment," What do you think my fellow wolves?" She called to her pack.
By this question, a lot of buzzing started between the wolves.
"They don't look much harmful." "Don't those two called leopards look like tiger?" "Those two look so similar to Sher khan." "Is that really a black panther, she is so smalle than Bagheera."

All these comments was making Saya a little stress out. They were thinking so much negative of them. Will they ever accept the three?

"They don't mean any harm and are also really nice." A young voice spoke up from behind. All the canines looked back, to find Mowglie standing there.
"Mowglie, you no this place is not for kids." Raksha said sternly.
But he didn't listen. He went to where Raksha was a looked at her eyes," Mom, please. They are really nice and friendly. And I trust Bagheera." Then looked back to the pack and said again loudly so that every wolf can hear him," I trust Bagheera. And Saya, Cleo and Scarface."
Raksha sighed. She looked at her pack one more time for their suggestion. All seem to agree after what Mowglie said. She sighed, again.
"Well then," she turned to the three of them," you can stay here."
Saya and the other two felt relieved and was about smile, but Raksha spoke again.
"But, there are some rules you need to follow to live in this jungle." She said," Since you are new here I will not expect you three to learn it yourself. Bagheera, will be the one who will teach you the laws of the jungle." Then she turned to Bagheera," You brought them here. So teaching them the laws and ways of the jungle will be your responsibility."
"Alright." Bagheera sighed.

Saya felt so much releived and happy. Guess she was stressing upon nothing. And what can be more exciting than getting yoir crush as your teacher? And sge also met Mowglie. Human, but , really nice.

"I'm not teaching today." Bagheera snapped her out of her thoughts," We'll start from tomorow. Alright?"
"Yeah sure." The three of them nodded.
Bagheera stood up and slowly dissapered from their sight. Most probably in search of prey. Then Mowglie called Saya to come with him. While Cleo decided to wait for Bagheera to come back, and Scarface decided to hunt for himself. Before he could go, Raksha said him to only hunt on deers and not more than what he needs, sonce he is not familiar with the jungle's law.

As for Saya, while walking and talking with Mowglie, she decided to get ready for tomorow's class about laws if the jungle.

The chapter sucks, I know. Brains thinks the same:
Don't mind if there's any mistake. Positive comments will be apreciated.


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