Sleeping Together

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Saya gasped as she woke up. She looked around. It was still night.
The last thing she remembered was sitting near the water fall and thinking about man. And then drifting off to sleep on a tree branch.
She looked at the sky. The moon hasn't even moved an inch. Did she slept for that short period?
She looked around to figure out what was the reason she woke up for. But found nothing. The sky was clear and the breeze blew silently. No unnatural sounds to be heard.
But she was sure she heard something unusual. Maybe breaking of twigs. She stretched and sat up on the branch and tried to look around. Nothing weird. Or atleast, that's what she thought.

Cleo dragged herself in the darkness as best as she could. She didn't think that Saya would actually wake up. She groaned in frustration.
How long it has been that she had stayed in the Southern region? Maybe a month or so?

That day, after breaking up with Scarface, she started walking to a random direction fuming. She was annoyed, frustrated and more importantly disappointed, on herself.
How could she have been so casual? And let that filthy two-faced cat get close to Bagheera? She should have warned her beforehand.
The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. At a point, she couldn't take it anymore and growled loudly.
She growled again, this time unbearably loud, making small animals around her run away, that is, atleast what she thought due to some crunching noises around her.
She panted and tried to calm herself down. And suddenly it hit her. Where was she?
She looked around only to find herself in a wet and gloomy place.
The jungle was so deep here, that sunlight barely reached to Cleo.
There were puddles everywhere, and thick vines of unknown trees touched the ground effortlessly. There were no sound except the crickets. In a glimpse, one could tell that this ground had not seen sunlight for decades or so. The whole place was covered in a fog. There was no morning here as the sunlight never reached them. It seems like the days here start from dusk.
By now Cleo was getting a little scared. The place felt like the end of the world.
Suddenly a strange animal called out, making Cleo jump out of her fur. She backed up a little, her tail between her hind legs. She knew that this place consists of the scariest animals. If anything attacks her now, she wouldn't be able to fight back.

"Well hello, kitty." A groggy male voice spoke over her.
Cleo immediately looked up, to find a vulture looking at her with a smile, which wasn't very warm.
"W-Who are you?" Cleo asked, trying best to sound tough.
The vulture seemed to understand her struggle, so he smiled again.
"My my. What a tough kitty."
"Listen ol' bird, I'm not a lil' kitty, I'm a leopard." She said, annoyed with his reference 'kitty' to her, "And who are you anyway?"
"Ooh. Didn't introduce myself did I? Pardon my rudeness. I am Orat. Nice to meet you. And might I know your name, young missy?"
"You know, you're super annoying. I'm Cleo, by the way, so stop calling me 'kitty', 'missy' or whatever the shit it is, and leave me alone as well, will ya'?"
Orat chuckles.
"Well well well, that was quite amusing."
"Amusing you say now, huh?"
"Indeed. However," Orat continued,"you know, yelling at someone at their territory. Big mistake... huge one."
Orat smiled coldly, sending Cleo shivers.
"Allow me to welcome you properly, little lady." He suddenly flapped his wings violently, and out of no where, came a thousands of vultures.
All of them ready to tear Cleo apart.
Cleo took a few steps back.
"W-What are you doing?" She yelped as one of them pecked her harshly.
"This is my kingdom, little lady! I'm the king here! Here, the strongest survives and weaks perish!" Orat laughed as he circled over her.
She was backing away fast. There's no way she could win against so many vultures.
But suddenly something triggered her mind.
"The strongest survives and weaks perish." Isn't that's what the old feather bag said? If that's true, then why would she lose? She's the strongest! She can't be perished!
This thought gave her a new energy. She roared loudly, making all the vultures stop on their tracks. She could feel the fire rising within herself.
"I am not WEAK!" She jumped and landed over two vultures at the same time. She hit them with her paw and shouted again," I'M NOT WEAK! You hear that?!"

Felines In Love : Bagheera x OCWhere stories live. Discover now