Loving you Harder

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Song Credits to The Fat Rat and Anjulie.


It has been a whole month now that Saya and the others are staying in the jungle.
It was another happy day in Saya's life with Baloo and Mowglie.
The bear and the human child was yet again having fun in the water, while Saya sitting on dry land merrily chatting with them. However, the water body was different than the usual one. They would generally go for the river to play in the water, but this time they had come to a small, shallow brook.
The water was clear and there were creepers growing around it. It gave out a magical feeling. Saya took a long breath. There was a familiar smell, but it was so less that her brain could not remember it. There were no other animals there as well. So it was pretty peaceful.
The calm breeze soothed her soul and mind. She really loved it here.
"Hey Saya!" Baloo called out.
"Yeah?" Saya looked at the boys.
"Can you sing a new song?" Mowglie asked this time.
"Huh, wha- what do you mean...?"
"'Well I wanna sing a song, but not 'The Bare Necessities'. It's getting too old now. Do you know any other song?" Mowglie whined.
"Hmn... let me think. Now that you said it... I do know a song, if I remember correctly, it was called 'Fly Away'."
"Really? Really? Can you sing it? Pretty please??" Mowglie asked excitedly.
"Woah. I want to hear it too! It seems songs are pretty common in the place you came from. Would you mind singing it then?" Baloo exclaimed.
Saya chuckled," Why of course, if it's for you guys, then I'll sing it. Altough I might forget the words."
"It's fine!" Both the boys exclaimed in unison.
"Okay then," Saya cleared her throat. She closed her eyes, and after a pause she started singing:

All this while singing, Saya has kept her eyes closed. Once she finished the song, she opened her eyes to find the boys with their jaws dropped, floating in the  water before her.
"Are-are you alright? Was my singing that bad?" She blushed.
"WHAT?! No! No, no," Mowglie jumped from Baloo towards Saya, holding her face," that- that was something I've- I've never heard before! It felt so strange yet so perfect! Is that how actual songs are sang?!"
"Well, um... I don't know, Mowglie." Saya said, a little nervous but proud of herself.
"Saya, I gotta say, that was one mesmerising song. I- I'm in love with that song. And of course, your voice is just as beautiful." Baloo said, coming out of the amazement.
"Woah... thank you. I... didn't know, the song would be so much loved..." She smiled while blushing, of course in sense of a little bit pride and honour.
"Will you teach me that song?" Mowglie asked excitedly.
"Oh... of course, I will!" Saya smiled at them.
And the day passed by with Saya teaching both Baloo and Mowglie to sing the special song 'Fly Away'. This song always gave Saya a strange feeling of excitement to do something great. It's words are just so perfect and magical, she cannot help it. Although she does not clearly remember from where she learnt it.

The night came by fast, with a full moon glimming in the dark. And a black mammal came over the little flowing brook, on which the human child was playing during the day. It was no one suspicious or so. It was Saya, who wondered how this beautiful place would look under the moonlight, and of course, she was not disappointed.
The silver moon laid her shining image brightly over the crystal clear water, that shone even brighter due to the silver pebbles underneath it. It was a sight to behold. And Saya could not stop looking at the beauty before her.

"Do you seriously have some problem in falling asleep?"
The sudden rough voice from behind gave Saya an extraordinary jump, since she was unable to sense the other panther's presence before instances.
"Bagheeraaaa!" Saya whined at the bigger panther standing before her.
"Can you at least give some hint before just showing up out of nowhere?"
"Wow Saya, aren't you a hunter? You should be able to detect my presence from atleast an inch away.
"Well sorry but I couldn't help but be distracted by this breathtaking view!"
"You should train more Saya."
"Ugh! Forget that. Tell me how come you manage to come wherever I am? Don't tell me... are you following me, huh?" Saya gave him a fishy smile.
"Oh stop it. And I did not follow you. This is my territory."
"Wait what?!" Saya looked at him.
"You didn't notice?" Bagheera tilted his head.
Suddenly it clicked in her mind, that familiar smell she was getting. It was him!
"I didn't even realise it. Your smell was so little in the air... and is that why we found no animals here when we came in the afternoon?"
"Yeah. And that old bear, he came to my territory again. That's why he didn't show himself before me." Bagheera seemed frustrated.
But it was pretty understandable to Saya. Felines are very sensitive about their turfs.
But Saya still decided to take Baloo and Mowglie's side.
"Awww... don't get so annoyed. It is a beautiful place to have fun."
"Saya you know how it feels, don't you?"
"Well yeah, but we were jus' playing. Come to think about it, you only seemed to be angry on Baloo, but why not on me and Mowglie?"
"That's because Mowglie has the right to come here, and you didn't know about my territory. But that old bear Baloo knows everything, yet..." Bagheera sighed.
"Well it has already happened, so there's no point in staying angry," Saya said,"oh by the way, can I stay here for a while?"
"Fine. But just this once, alright?" Bagheera noded.
"Really? Thanks!" Saya smiled.

A small pause of silence followed by with the two felines sitting side by side, enjoying each other's company.

"So, Saya. I've been meaning to ask..." Bagheera broke the silence.
"Would you mind singing that song you sang to Mowglie and Baloo?"
"Wait! Huh?! You're, you're telling me you were there?!"
"Yeah. I was literally resting on the tree over there."
"What the- but I barely felt your presence!"
Bagheera smirked at the smaller panther," You know, animals don't fear me for no reason."
"But that's a great skill!"
"I know. So would you mind singing that song again?" He asked once again.
"Oh... well... sure..."
She was was quite nervous about this. Because singing before your friends and your crush is totally two different matters.
She took a few deep breathes to calm herself a little. And then started singing the song. Thank goodness her voice did not crack.

She went on singing. At times Bagheera would hum with her. The night was getting warmer  as the moon rose even higher.
At the end of the song, Saya looked at Bagheera, who seemed really amazed.
"That... was just beautiful." Was all he could say," I can hear it for forever."
"T-thanks." Was Saya's reply. What was she even supposed to say? All she felt was her cheeks getting warmer and warmer.
Another pause of silence followed by. And soon the two felines started talking about different topics.

That night, they just talked with each other. It felt comfortable to be in each other's company. And they surely loved it.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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