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The sun was shining high. The jungle was as noisy as ever. Birds flew from one tree to another. Preys ran with predators behind. Winds ruffled the trees which had grown big enough to form a thick and cool canopy for the jungle. The ground was wet due to the rain that took place a few days ago. And you might hear some monkeys cackle here and there.
And there seemed to be a certain black feline walking to nowhere-in-particular.
The feline's blue eyes sparkled like crystal. Her black coat reflected the sun rays, which showed the hidden patterns of her body, darker than her fur ,more clearly.
She was out for hunt. Now, a thought of the incident with Bagheera might distract her, but hunger comes before love. So here she was.
A normal day with Saya hunting.
It has been already mentioned that she isn't a very skilled hunter. But there was also another reason for which her hunts were so much delayed.
You see, Saya was too kind to be a hunter. She often does a research on the one whom she is preying on. Like, whether it has a family, or near ones and stuffs so that if it dies nobody feels sad(reference to 'Nightmares'). And not to mention that it takes a lot of time.
So even in such a rich habitual place, Saya's health condition wasn't improving.

Now,her target was a healthy male cheetal moving with a rather big herd. She has been trying on it for a while now, but with no success. With her observings and bad skills, another problem was added. Monkeys.
No matter how much she tries, she was always being spotted by those tree-clingers, and each and everytime she is spotted, they would make warning noises, alerting the herd.
She was so frustrated. Why would they do that? She isn't even hunting them.
However she did not want to fight them. From what she knows, these monkeys are despised by the whole jungle. All they do is annoy others. They even kidnapped Mowglie once. So, in Saya's judgement, its better to stay away from them.

However, she wasn't giving up, not yet.
As she was trying to hunt and hide from the monkeys, a voice spoke up from above her, startling her to death.
"I'm not a master at hunting myself, but even a teen cub could point out the mistakes in your way of hunting."
She looked up, to see Bagheera sitting on a tree branch behind her. Her heart beat increased, but she was also frustrated due to her repeated failures on her prey.
"Oh really?" She said sarcastically.
"Yeah, really." Was Bagheera's plain answer.
Now he was getting on her nerves.
"Oh well you see, I never had anyone to teach me how to hunt other than myself! So,sorry, for making you see such a bad performance."
"Well I forgive you." He said.
"Wha-what?!" She asked.
"What? You told me 'sorry' so I said I forgive you."
"Do you even know what's sarcasm?" She rolled her eyes.
"Well... isn't our conversation going so well?
"What?!! No it isn't!" She almost yelled.
"It isn't? Then, may I know the reason behind your such-a-good-mood today?" He said.
"Wha- oh... oh. Damn..." She looked away. Of course he was being sarcastic. Ugh! She wanted to hit her head on a tree.
"Calmed down princess?" He teased.
"Shut up..." she said quietly.
Suddenly, a sudden burst of laughter from behind the bush startled Saya, but not Bagheera.
Then, the bushes were pushed aside and outcame a big brown, friendly bear.
"Baloo?" Saya looked amazed.
Bagheera looked at Saya without moving his head from Baloo," He was here all the time Saya."
"He was?"
"My my, you're even bad at tracking your own surroundings." He sighed.
"Hey! You know I can't help it! There was nobody to teach me these stuffs." She blushed in embarassement.
Bagheera sighed again and looked at Baloo," Why're you laughing?"
Baloo had not yet stopped laughing even then, for some reason.
He laughed again and looked at Saya,"You-you asked him if he knows what's sarcasm? Hahaha..." Baloo now rolled down in the ground laughing.
Then he tried to stop his laughter," you asked that to him, the King of Sarcasm?" He started laughing again," Oh! My stomach hurts so much for all those laughs. Thanks Saya. Hadn't laughed like this for a while."
Bagheera rolled his eyes,"just stop it."
"Um... what's going on?" Saya looked confused.
"Well you see, Baloo here gave me the title of 'King of Sarcasm'. Don't ask me why, even I don't know the reason." He said, eyeing Baloo once, annoyed.
"Oh come on! You don't know the reason Bagheera? Of course because you're always so sarcastic, and nobody could ever win against you when it comes to sarcasm." Baloo whined.
Bagheera did not say anything but rolled his eyes.
"Anyway," now Baloo turned to Saya,"why are you in such a foul mood today Saya?"
"Oh, it's just that I couldn't hunt today for those stupid monkeys." She sighed.
"For those monkeys, or for your bad hunting skills?" Bagheera smirked.
"Whatever, 'Master of Insults'." Saya rolled her eyes.
"Now don't put a habit of nicknaming me like Baloo."
"Oh! So you don't like being nicknamed, huh?" Now it was Saya's turn to smirk.
Bagheera shook his head and sighed in defeat.
Saya chuckled.
"Listen, since you're so bad at hunting," Bagheera spoke up,"I was thinking of teaching you the best ways to hunt,maybe?"
She looked at him, hope and amazement sparkling in her eyes.
"You can???" She asked, her blue eyes glistening.
"Sure I can." He smiled.
"Really?! Oh my goodness!Thanks so much Bagheera!" She smiled widely. She could finally learn to hunt like any other felines. And Bagheera would teach her!!
Bagheera chuckled, watching the female in joy.
"Let's start it from tomorrow then...?" he suggested.
"Sure!" Was her instant reply.
"Now if you excuse me, I'll be going to hunt for myself." Bagheera bid them farewell and slowly walked away.
"See you later then!" Saya shouted from behind.
"Mhm." Was his short reply.

Felines In Love : Bagheera x OCWhere stories live. Discover now