𝖝𝖛𝖎𝖎. 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝖉𝖊𝖓

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Outreach Day fell quickly upon the students of Nevermore

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Outreach Day fell quickly upon the students of Nevermore. A day where the outcasts and normies have the chance to work together and pretend not to hate each other for at least a couple of hours. Persephone isn't sure she can handle the forced collaboration and fake smiles for more than a couple of minutes.

All the students are gathered in the Quad waiting to be given their assignments. Many of them are excitedly anticipating where they'll be stationed for the day, whereas Persephone is waiting with inevitable dread. She gets the same assignment every year.

Hades joins her on the outskirts of the Quad, surveying the crowds of chatting students. "You look like you're having fun already." He comments sarcastically, noticing the disgusted expression on her face.

"I can't stand Outreach Day." She complains bitterly, arms folded across her chest as she leans against one of the stone pillars. "Whoever came up with the idea should be subjected to severe torture."

"I would be more than happy to carry out your wishes, mi reina. If you could just give me the name." Hades vows, a hand placed over his heart as he pledges his services to her.

She shakes her head amusedly. "I just- Why would they send us straight into the lion's den?" She throws her arms up in exasperation at the stupidity of it all. "We get ridiculed by them enough as it is without needing to make a whole day of it. And even worse, WE have to help THEM! Surely it should be the other way round after everything they've done to us over the years. AND-" She stops as she realises that she's been ranting. Normally someone would've interrupted her by now. "I'm sorry. I was rambling a bit."

She hangs her head, gaze focused on the extremely interesting patch of ground below her feet. Little daisies sprouted around her shoes as her embarrassment set in. A hand cups her chin and softly lifts her chin up. "Please don't apologise to me. You sounded like you'd been needing that." Never mind butterflies, Persephone had a stampede of elephants charging around her stomach. He tucks a stray hair behind her ear while he changes the subject, "Do you know where you're going to be assigned?"

She sighs, "Sadly, yes. I get assigned to the florists every year." Hades' brows furrowed at the obvious disappointment evident in her voice. "I guess they reckon that I can grow flowers therefore it's the perfect fit, but... The owner despises me and I never get assigned with someone who will actually speak to me so... I've never really had a good Outreach Day experience."

Hades is now determined to change that. He wants to make this the best Outreach Day Persephone will ever have.

Weems beginning her announcements snaps Hades out of his scheming mindset. He takes Persephone's hand and leads her into the crowd. "All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10.00 a.m. sharp, followed by a community lunch at 1.00. As you know, this year Outreach Day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by Nevermore students." There's animated murmuring among the crowd as Enid squeals excitedly and Bianca smirks smugly. "As representatives of our school, I trust you will all put your best face forward."

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