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"Our old yearbook

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"Our old yearbook." Morticia gasps as she clutches Belladonna's hand. Weems sits stiffly behind her desk as Gomez and Malakai settle in the plush armchairs, staring adoringly at their significant others. Wednesday, Hades and Persephone hover as close to the door as possible, ready to make a quick escape if needed.

"I haven't laid eyes on this in over 20 years." Belladonna sighs happily, drinking in the nostalgic pages of her youth.

"Such good times we had, didn't we, Larissa?" Morticia coos, eyes focused on her former roommate. Belladonna remembered the jealousy that Larissa felt for Morticia, always having to try and keep the peace between the two. She doubted that the many years apart had healed their fractured friendship.

Weems settled on a cryptic answer, "Some of us better than others." Her red lips forced upwards into a polite smile.

"Oh, don't be so modest. You always filled a room with your presence." Morticia flatters before focusing her attention back on the yearbook and adding, "Like a stately sequoia tree." Gomez's mouth forms an 'O' as the males sense the subtle tension between the ladies.

"And I guess that would make you the lumberjack." Weems retorts, making Morticia let out a deep laugh.

"There's that biting sense of humour that I always adored." Wednesday, Hades and Persephone wish the ground would open up and allow them to descend into the fiery pits of hell to avoid witnessing this awkward reunion. "Do you remember when we did that duet for the Solstice Talent Show? Your Judy Garland impression was a dead ringer." Weems lets out a shy smile at that compliment.

Wednesday mumbles under her breath, "Sounds positively suicidal."

"For once we agree, Weds." Hades murmurs back.

"Oh," Belladonna gasps softly, noticing that a page had been torn out. "Tish, your picture's gone." Morticia looks down at the open page to see that her friend was right. Her face falls into a frown.

"Really? Well, that is odd." Weems replies, making Belladonna narrow her eyes in suspicion. They're not in high school anymore. She doesn't have to play peacekeeper. She has a feeling that Larissa knew more about the missing picture than she was letting on.

Morticia doesn't let that get to her. "May I borrow this for the weekend? That way Gomez and I can take a little walk down memory lane." Gomez lets out a playful growl while Morticia purrs mischeviously.

Hades gags at the sight. "I'm gonna throw up."

"All right." Weems agrees, clearly not comfortable with her old roommate's flirting. "Let's get down to the matter at hand, shall we? Hmm?" Weems gestures for the two ladies to sit with their husbands. "Unfortunately, Hades and Wednesday's assimilation has been rocky at best."

Wednesday steps forward to defend herself, "Because I refuse to embrace the culture of dishonesty and denial permeating this school. Starting with the monster that killed Rowan and put Eugene in the ICU. Although I do hear he's on the mend."

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