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Warning: Lots of cute fluff ahead. Do not read if you are prone to reading-induced cavities. If you seek professional/medical help, please do us both a favor and don't mention how you really got the toothache. Okay, enjoy!

There's light behind my closed eyelids too early. It feels like I haven't gotten nearly as much sleep as I need, but honestly, when does it ever feel like I've gotten enough sleep?

The first thing I notice, other than a slight headache, is a warm body pressed against me. This isn't the first time I've woken up to Harry cuddled into my side, one of his legs thrown over mine and his arm around my waist, but it's the first time I've woken up with him since...well. You know. Last night.

I don't want to wake him yet, so I stay where I am, even though I kind of have to pee. I firmly tell my bladder to fuck off and bother someone else (which totally works) and open my eyes blearily, taking in the familiar surroundings of my room. I tilt my head to look at Harry, whose cheek is pressed against my chest, his long curls fanning out around his face and neck. I gently reach up a hand to play with his hair while he sleeps peacefully.

I love him so much, it might actually kill me.

After a minute or so, my bladder has made itself very well known, and I have to get up. I try to gently extricate myself from Harry's arms, but he just wraps himself tighter around me, somehow managing to get a knee directly in my lower stomach.

"Ow, shit," I can't help but say, managing to make it quiet at the last second, at least. It doesn't help. Harry's eyes shoot open and he looks horrified.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" he asks, running a soothing hand down my side. I shiver slightly at his touch, but manage to nod in response to his question.

"Yeah. I need to pee, though, love. Can I get up?"

Harry nods and smiles sheepishly. "How long have you been awake?"

"Not long." He carefully helps me untangle our limbs and I stand by the edge of the bed, lifting my arms above my head in a stretch. I'm naked. I couldn't care less.

"Come back soon," Harry whines as I'm walking towards the bathroom. I turn in the doorway, shooting him a wink and a salute.


A bit later I'm sitting on a barstool, my elbows perched atop the island counter and a hot cup of tea in my hands. I take small sips, not wanting to burn my mouth, but also knowing how fast the tea gets cold.

Harry's sitting on the stool next to me, leaning his forearms against the counter. One of his ankles is hooked around one of mine, and I can feel his eyes studying my face as I lift my teacup to my lips and take another sip.

"Yes?" I ask finally, and Harry blushes furiously, immediately looking away, like a teenager caught staring at their crush in high school.

"Nothing, you just look really pretty right now."

I shift my gaze to take in Harry's side profile. There are rays of sunlight streaming in from beyond the window curtains, washing his skin a beautiful golden color. His eyes are glittering, and his lips are still shiny from a light makeout session a bit earlier.

"So do you, love."

It brings the blush back to his cheeks, and I grin as I watch the red bloom under his pale skin. Sometimes I wonder how he's even real, but he definitely is, in all his clumsy, slow-talking glory. I love everything about him.

"What do you want to do today?" I wonder, reaching out to tuck some of Harry's hair behind his ear. He turns himself in his seat to face me, our knees touching now.

𝒾𝒻 𝒾 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝒻𝓁𝓎 𝒽𝑜𝓂𝑒 (𝓁.𝓈.)Where stories live. Discover now