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Bookstores always make me happy. No matter how low of a mood I'm in, it's immediately lifted by the rows and rows of colorful covers and that distinct new book smell.

It took quite a bit of convincing to get Louis to come with me, but I'm pretty sure that's only because he was tired and wanted to sleep in.

The reason I dragged him here is to buy a copy of a new book that just came out, one that Gemma highly recommended to me, knowing how much I love romantic comedies, and specifically ones with queer characters.

Louis' hand in mine is warm and we fit perfectly, like a puzzle. I pull him through the aisles, searching for the book, and when I finally find it, I give a little squeal of happiness.

I reach out to grab it and my eyes light up at the pink cover. The words Red, White & Royal Blue are written across it, complete with two drawn images, one of an olive-skinned man in more casual attire, and one of a blond prince in his royal uniform.

"There's a whole queer adult novel section," Louis says, not exactly complaining, but probably wondering why.

"What can I say? We're a fascinating subspecies," I reply absentmindedly, turning the book over to read the back. It's a story of love, obviously, starting as kind of an enemies and then friends-with-benefits type situation, all tainted by the responsibilities of life in the public eye.

It's no wonder Gemma thought I would appreciate it.

"My Policeman," Louis mutters, picking up another book from the shelf. "Sounds kinky."

I laugh, already having opened my book and starting to read the first page.

Louis flips through the book he's still holding. "Oh, shit. Okay. Never mind."

"Do you have trouble reading fictional sex?" I ask him, genuinely a bit curious, but also happy to have found a reason to tease him.

"Why would I need to read fictional sex with people who aren't real when I could have real sex with you?" he wonders rhetorically, sneaking an arm around my waist and pressing a kiss to my temple, surprisingly sweet for the topic.

"Not until we get home," I remind him. "And I'm still sore from last night."

He chuckles against my neck. "That kind of sounds like a you problem, love."

I pout, closing the book, having barely gotten to the third page. "Not if it's your fault. Okay, let's go."

"Sure you don't want the kinky sex book?" he teases, and I slap him gently on the arm with Red, White & Royal Blue.

"Yes. And I'm sure it's not that bad."

Louis shrugs. We walk out of the aisle, and I'm thankful it's both a very small bookstore and the middle of the week, so there's no one here besides the probably twenty-something woman behind the counter.

"Hi," she says offhandedly, but it's clear from the look in her eyes she knows who we are. Louis hangs back a few steps, waiting for me to finish. I wish he could be closer, but I guess this is just going to have to be good enough.

"Hi," I reply, placing the book on the counter, and she rings me up quickly. "Um...Maia," I add, glancing at her name tag. "Would you mind maybe...not telling anyone we were here?"

Maia raises an eyebrow. "Sure," she says, and I know I probably shouldn't trust her just from that, but I'm a naturally trusting person. It's gotten me into trouble sometimes.

"Just the book?" she asks after a second, and I nod, handing her my credit card to pay.

"You're in The Daily Mail, by the way," she continues, and I roll my eyes, unable to resist.

"I'm always in The Daily Mail."

"No, I mean...cover article."

My eyebrows shoot up. "What's it about?" I ask, hoping, praying it's not about Louis. He can't handle that right now.

"Your girlfriend," Maia says, and reaches behind her to grab a magazine off of the shelf, sliding it across the counter. "Sorry you had to hear it from me, by the way."

Hear what? I hold up the magazine and stare at the cover, at first not believing my eyes. But it's very, very real.

The text says "Trouble in Paradise? Taylor Swift spotted kissing actor Joe Alwyn in New York just weeks after she and Harry Styles were announced to be dating."

The text is paired with a blown-up photo, grainy and kind of hard to see, but undeniably Taylor, kissing a guy in the backseat of a car.

"Oh shit," I mutter before I can stop myself.

The first thing I feel is happiness. She'd told me she was kind of single, that she'd met someone but it hadn't gone anywhere yet, and my first instinct is to congratulate her, as my friend.

The second thing I feel is panic, because now everyone will think she's cheating on me, when we're not even dating, and it'll ruin her reputation, probably beyond redemption.

Shit. This is really not good.

I place the magazine back on the counter and blink up at Maia, trying to keep a straight face. "Um, thanks," I tell her. "Yeah, it''s fine? I guess? I...need to go."

I turn around and find Louis right behind me, probably having seen the magazine over my shoulder. His face is unreadable.

"Sorry again," Maia says. "Have a good day?"

"You too," I reply, hastily grabbing my book and walking out of the store.

The light outside is too bright for the headache building behind my eyes. This is not going to end well. I'm drowning, drowning in dislike for the media, drowning in panic, drowning in fear about how this will play out. I don't want Taylor to be labeled as a cheater, and I definitely don't want to be the one she cheated on.

There's no possible way to save this. Right?

I've climbed into the passenger seat of Louis' car by now, and he's taking advantage of the tinted windows, leaning over the center console to hug me awkwardly, rubbing soothing circles on my bicep.

"It's okay, Harry. It's going to be okay," he whispers, and I really want to believe him, but I don't know how.

A/N: Thoughts? Ideas? Opinions?

Love you guys <33333

xoxo, K

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