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Normally, I love southern California. The sunshine, the beach, the constant movement that reminds me a little bit of London but at the same time is so vastly different you can't even compare the two. Going to LA is one of my favorite parts of getting to be a celebrity.

Stunting is not.

Let me just be clear: Taylor is an amazing person. She's kind and funny and dramatic in all the right ways, and I can totally see why someone might fall in love with her.

That person just isn't me.

And halfway across the world, my boyfriend is all alone, while I sit in a cafe with my friend who the public happens to think I'm dating. It's all just so messed up.

"No, seriously, try it," Taylor says, laughing as I shake my head for the fifth time. Or something like that. I haven't really been keeping count. She reaches over and pushes her plate closer to me. On it is a piece of toast, and on the toast is avocado.

I've tried avocado before. It's mushy and weird, and sometimes brown. This is green, but how do I know it won't taste exactly the same?

"I promise, it's delicious. You probably had a bad one. Just try it. Please?" She draws out the word please. I'm tempted, is the thing. I've listened to too many rants from Louis about avocados and how they're the "trendiest food of all time," and how much he absolutely despises them.

It feels like a tiny rebellion to eat some. Why not?

"Fine!" I say and reach out to take a bite, since I know she won't stop pestering me.

It is mushy, but the flavor explodes in my mouth, tasting like summer skies and clear water with a savory twist, thanks to the bread and a bit of seasoning on top.

Basically, it tastes amazing. Why have I not been eating this all along?

"Oh, my god," I can't help but say around my bite, and Taylor grins.

"Knew you'd like it. You can have the rest. I'm not really hungry anyway."

I tilt my head. I've finished my muffin and now I'm eating more than half of her toast. But I guess maybe she really just isn't hungry.

Oh well. Isn't it a tragedy to have to eat all of this delicious avocado...


I can just imagine how Louis must feel seeing the pictures. Hell, I'm feeling awful looking at them. We look really close. Which, I guess, we are, in a way. Just not the way we're supposed to be.

While I'm sitting around in my hotel room feeling sorry for myself, my phone rings. I pick it up immediately when I see the caller ID.

"Lou," I breathe out.

"H," he responds, sounding just as relieved to hear my voice as I am to hear his. "How's Angeltown?"

"That's not—never mind. It's okay. I love the sun."

He chuckles. "I bet. It's cloudy as ever here, but we had a little bit of shine yesterday. Listen, I have something to tell you."

I can't tell what his tone implies. Is he excited? Worried? Anxious?

I swallow. "What is it?"

My mind runs through possibilities. What if he saw the pictures? What does he think about them? What if he's happier when I'm not there?

"Zayn and Liam got engaged," he says, which wasn't even close to the top of the list of things I expected.

"Oh!" I reply, still slightly surprised. "Wow, that's amazing! When are they getting married?"

𝒾𝒻 𝒾 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝒻𝓁𝓎 𝒽𝑜𝓂𝑒 (𝓁.𝓈.)Where stories live. Discover now