Yes, No, Maybe

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It hadn't been Draco's intention to stare, not at all. He didn't even know why exactly he was so focused on the table at the other end of the Tearoom.

He had just wanted to accompany Nott for some shopping after work on this gloomy Thursday afternoon. The bloke had run out of spicy peppermint tea.

He surely hadn't expected to see her. Now he couldn't look away.

"Are you alright mate?" His friend mocked him, dripping with sarcasm. "You could just ask her for a picture, so you don't have to be such a creep."

Draco gritted his teeth at the stupid comment and tried to suppress the twitch in his jaw. He couldn't remember the last time he had been caught in such tension without being able to shake it.

Without looking at Nott, he huffed "Go buy your stupid peppermint tea."

Granger was laughing, that coy smile making her face glow despite the horrible weather outside. It was addicting, really. It bothered him to no end that she hadn't noticed him yet. Instead, she was absorbed by a red-haired wizard, clearly one of the Weasel's. They seemed to be caught in a deep conversation as they shared a small table in front of the window over a cup of tea.

Draco managed to look away from her eventually and instead his eyes fell onto a saleswoman who approached him with a confidence that almost showed an attitude. She was a pretty thing, blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and long legged. If he wouldn't be so frustrated with Granger's indifference, he might have appreciated her attention.

His gaze roamed back to the table; she was wearing her hair in a high ponytail with a white knitted dress that from where he stood looked like it hugged her body perfectly.

"Can I help find you anything?" The soft voice next to him made him turn towards the blonde witch who had come closer. She had interrupted her task of sorting one of the shelves to approach him.

"I'm good," he mumbled apathetic to her figure and returned his attention to Granger, who was currently shaking her head in disbelief at something.

"Tosser..." Nott's elbow met his rips. Draco didn't even flinch at the contact; he was a spellbound audience of Granger's afternoon tea it seemed. Behind him he could hear Nott's lewd flirt attempts, but he couldn't be bothered to listen.

All he wanted was for Granger to fucking look at him, just once. He wanted to see her reaction to him.

The last time he had seen her she had been dressed in flimsy top and knickers when they had shared a haste kiss goodbye in front of her fireplace.

After what felt like an eternity, she excused herself from the table and straightened her shoulders. It didn't take much brain to conclude she was headed to the loo. Draco's legs started moving before he could even think about what he was doing. Forgotten was Nott and his stupid peppermint tea.

He would later scold himself for his stupidity, but he just couldn't help it. Some deprived part of him wanted to see her cheeks flush, he wanted to watch her face when she was confronted with the memory of their shared night. He almost felt like she owed him that moment of superiority. After all she had occupied his brain more often than he cared to admit. Especially at times when he needed a quick wank. Which had been quite often since he had fucked her almost a week ago.

He waited in the narrow hallway towards the restrooms when she almost bumped into him. It was then that she finally looked up at him in surprise.

"Oh... Hi..." Granger rambled somewhat confused at the sight of him, but when their eyes met she seemed almost excited to see him. He didn't expect this reaction from her, but he didn't dislike it either. After all, he had been her first not even a week ago. She should be happy to see him. It meant she didn't regret. "Draco, I didn't see you come in."

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