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Draco had tried to do the right thing. He really had tried. He had tried to not touch her; to not let the physical attraction take over. And yet here he was; groping her breast roughly through the fabric with the minx wiggling against his tingling body on a fucking broom out of all places.

He hadn't had any physical relief since he had spilled into Granger in Parkinson's kitchen last weekend. His uncharacteristic lack of enthusiasm to fuck his hand came to haunt him now. His erection was painful, his balls aching to be emptied.

"Tell me to stop," he groaned into the side of her neck while drowning in her vanilla scented skin.

He tried to focus on their flight path until he found her nipple through the fabric and pinched her in warning. Granger whimpered heavenly and as a result his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Fuck.

Draco's attempt to hold his breath ended with his tongue on her skin, licking and teasing before he bit her gently. The situation was hopeless; it wasn't supposed to be like this. Not today.

"Draco," she whispered poorly into the wind surrounding them and her voice ripped him out of the trance he threatened to fall into. "Can we... you... can you land somewhere for this?"

"No." He let go of her abruptly and leaned away from her. The hair in his neck stood straight and chills were running up and down his spine at the loss of feeling her curves. He gripped the broom handle tightly to not reach for them again.


Hermione felt her blood run cold at his sudden change in demeanor. Her entire body had stiffened and she felt her skin flush with heat at the damp feeling between her legs. She had yearned for him to finally touch her; all day... no... all week! Did her attempt to tell him how she felt for him destroy it all for him?

The tightening knot in her throat was painful. She swallowed without making a sound. Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes as she remained motionless in front of him. All the doubts she had buried beneath his intimate touches over weeks now attempted to spill out of her at once.

"You see the castle? We're almost there."

She didn't move; her heartbeat was bullying her into stillness as if a painful stunning hex had caught her off-guard. Seeing Hogwarts in the distance made her heart feel lighter, but she just couldn't shake the growing frustration about everything else.

He had just touched her, had whispered sweet nothings into her ear. One question and it was like it had never happened. How was she supposed to watch him play quidditch without melting into the benches? Would he drop her off at home afterwards without kissing her goodnight? The skin on her neck tingled, still wet from where his tongue had marked her.

They slowly descended into the sunset, and she recognized how grateful she was to have solid ground underneath her feet when she touched the grass. She felt Draco rise behind her, and she got off the broom as quickly as she could.

He had landed behind the pitch, underneath the wooden beams of one of the house towers.

"I told you I wouldn't let you fall," Draco voiced calmly and maybe a little too cheekily behind her. He didn't seem to feel the same frustration about their newfound distance by the sound of his melodic voice.

Hermione looked around; they were alone. Her palms were sweaty when she dared to face him. Their eyes met and she felt her knees weaken at the sight in front of her. His hair looked fluffy from the wind, his cheeks were flushed, and his pupils dilated. He eyed her just as openly.

She couldn't take one more second of his punishing hot and cold behavior. She just had to know what was happening; no matter if he would pull away or not. Her damaged heart couldn't take much more of this back and forth.

The Tragedy of Chemistry (DM/HG)Where stories live. Discover now