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„How bad is it?"

Granger clawed at his lower arm until it turned numb.

Draco rolled his eyes but then hissed when the Patil girl touched his injured shoulder. Weasley had done a proper job within mere seconds. He had refused to go to St. Mungos; it was bad enough that people from the party had seen him in his current state when Pansy had pulled him through the hallway into her bedroom.

He was sitting on the edge of her bed with Granger next to him. Patil was currently hovering with her wand in front of his face. Apparently, she worked to become a healer at St. Mungos these days and had agreed to look at him without dragging him to the hospital after he had protested long enough.

She sighed. „He has a concussion and a sprained shoulder."

At her words Granger held her breath and he decided it was best not to look at her. Mostly because when he moved his head, he felt dizzy, but he also wasn't eager to see her reaction. He closed his eyes and tried to ignore her numbing hold on him.

„He'll recover just fine... " Patil added quickly as if unsure why Granger seemed to be so concerened about his wellbeing.

Zabini and Nott leaned in the doorframe. They had personally escorted Weasley and Potter after Pansy had thrown a fit of rage after she had joined the turmoil in her hallway. She had grasped his chin roughly and had inspected the damage before pulling him away from the scene.

Now his friends were enjoying the show in front of them – he would have done the same if they would have received a Gryffindor beating.

Zabini sneered from his position. „Yeah Granger, he'll recover but he'll need a lot of love tonight. Be gentle."

Draco's lip twitched at the comment. He blinked at her to discover her worried eyes on him. They were filled with tears.

He sighed. „It's nothing. Don't worry."

„Actually, it's not nothing, Malfoy. I would feel more comfortable if you'd come to the hospital with me so I can get you a potion for your concussion. You'd just stay for one night."

„Absolutely not, " Draco sat up straight in an attempt to get away from the witch. He startled for a second before Patil flicked her wand and made him sit back down with a thud. He hissed at the uncomfortable pull from his shoulder into his chest. Fucking Weasley.

„At least tell me you can stay with someone to watch you for the next twenty-four hours?"

There was an awkward silence in which Draco stilled and his friends continued to watch them curiously.

Pansy's voice was echoing through her flat while she was busy saying goodbye to her last guests.

Granger cleared her throat. „I'll stay with him..."

Patil looked surprised but caught herself before it became any more awkward. Instead, she nodded and got up slowly. She put her wand away and leaned over to Granger as if he wasn't even in the same room with them.

„No sudden movements, bed rest and he should really go see a healer in the morning to get the potion unless he wants to run around with a nasty headache for a while. Talk some sense into him."

Salazar," Draco groaned and pushed himself off the mattress slowly. He shrugged off Granger's grip on him when she wanted to pull him back.

„Patil, my company brews and distributes potions globally. Just tell me what you'd recommend for my head and shoulder."

The Tragedy of Chemistry (DM/HG)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora