20 - The Epilogue

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"Is that your mothers bloody elf up there? With Granger?" Nott snorted from the side, and Draco's eyes snapped to his friend. He swallowed down a snappy comment, aware enough to not end up with a negative headline on the Daily Prophet.

"Oh Nott, his mother is up there too..." Zabini whispered poorly behind his back, causing his shoulders to straighten.

Fucking idiots.

"Mr. Malfoy, over here!" Rita Skeeter's shrill voice echoed over the pitch and Draco couldn't help but look at her with a grimace that he hoped looked like an honest triumphant smile.

He could only relax again when the flash of lightning was finally over. It took all his willpower and more to look up to the stands as they posed on the winning podium for the press, his broom tightly in his right hand to keep him focused.

It had been an exhausting week. Hermione had been out of town in Turkey for her first mission abroad and Draco had been tied up with work, training and replacing some players for the fundraiser last minute. He hadn't seen the witch in the past ten days, and all he had gotten from her so far was a smile when he had flown by the VIP lounge. She had arrived late to the game and now stood next to his mother, and well... a house elf.

Zabini chuckled from his other side. "What on earth did the elf do to be punished? She looks like she's about to vomit."

It had been the first time that his mother had left the house; it was a big deal for him. However, he didn't want to show just that to her or anyone else. He thought pretending it to be normal would help encourage her to leave the manor more often.

Draco didn't want to look up, but his eyes eventually drifted through the crowds to see Hermione waving at him whilst biting on a grin; his heart skipped a beat at the sight. He smirked briefly, ignoring the way Coco had tugged her ears back like a beaten dog its tail. Him and his mother both had told her more than once that she wouldn't be doing the elf a favor by making her join the fundraiser. The elf didn't like to leave the manor. However, Hermione had insisted; suggesting that it would be good for the elf's mental health to get out of the house and partake in such an important event for the Malfoy family.

"Blimey. That poor thing is about to burst into tears." Nott sounded almost irritated, and Draco cleared his throat before he swiftly jumped of the podium to get over with the interview he had promised Skeeter.


Draco fixed his tie in front of his bedroom mirror, listening to his fireplace roaring. He only had a couple of minutes before he had to leave for the gala and meet the director of St. Mungos to handover the check. During the game he had been too busy to pay attention to all the guests that had cheered and, most importantly, donated. Now his hands felt damp, knowing he would not only meet some of the most influential people in the wizarding world, but also would have to do small talk with Hermione's friends.

He was fully prepared to feel like a misfit between Potter and the Weasley girl at his own event. He had only agreed to invite them officially because Hermione's eyes had sparked with something else than excitement at the suggestion a couple of weeks ago.

They were on the guest list but a small but very selfish part of him still hadn't given up hope they wouldn't show their faces.


Hermione had accompanied his mother and Coco back to the manor after the game. He hummed and watched the doorway to his bedroom through the mirror as she entered. He wanted to mock her just a little bit for having put the house elf through hell, but he swallowed audibly at her sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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