guess who is here, my sister...ugh

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Early that afternoon Mal heads over to Evie’s castle which is called ‘Evie’s 4 Hearts’. Anna’s home is about a couple of blocks away from Evie.

“Who else knows about the crown and the scepter.” Evie asks Mal.

Mal sighs and says. “No one. I mean…think about it. It was scary enough as it is. We have to employ these entirely new security measures.” 

“Will this delay our bringing over more VKs?” Evie asks Mal.

“We’re talking about closing the barrier for good.” Mal answers Evie’s question.

“But you said no? I mean the four of us are living the dream here, and we finally got to share that. I mean, what could be more important than that?” Evie asks Mal.

“Yeah. I know…I mean, maybe security or maybe peace of mind for everyone in Auradon.” Mal says explaining to Evie as Hannah is listening from the door as she doesn’t know what to say as Mal’s back is towards her.

“Is that what they’re thinking? M, were they seriously thinking that no one will ever go in and out of the Isle ever again? What, we never get to go back and see our parents. And what about the kids? We promised them that they could go back and visit whenever they wanted.” Evie says clearly, sounding upset about the whole thing as Hannah couldn’t blame her. 

“Yeah. I know.” Mal says.

“Mal, I’m so glad that you are going to be Queen. You will be a part of these conversations, you will stand up for the VKs. Thank you for telling me, and you’ll be a great Queen.” Evie says as Mal is cringing on the inside.

Celia, Dizzy, and Ceci had gotten into Alivia’s cake but no one noticed a single thing and then this happened.

“Okay, who got into Liv’s cake?!” Carlos asks, slightly annoyed, thinking who would be cruel enough to eat someone else’s cake.

Evie and Jay walk to where Carlos is and there is a huge piece missing from the cake as they all have the same thought. Just then the door opened and the three VK got to the door seeing that it was only Alivia, they all took a deep breath.

“Sorry, forgot my bag.” Alivia says grabbing her leather Magenta bag that was sitting exactly where she left it. She looks up to see the looks that she’s getting. “What?” 

Mal has Liv’s gift in her hand and as she is about to walk out of the door she sees this. A cloud of pink smoke.

“I was hoping you would be home.” Audrey says as Mal looks at Audrey in utter shock and confusion thinking that she’s going to her lame costume parties.

“Is this a joke? What are you doing with the crown and the scepter?” Mal asks the girl, taking a step towards her.

“Well I wanted them so I took them. And you, of all people, should understand that, Mal.” She says simply like it’s no big deal as Mal gives her a look as Audrey’s outfit is pretty much an off brand of Maleficents.

“Wait! Audrey, stop! Don’t use that!” Mal says begging Audrey as she sets down Liv’s gift.

“I thought you liked spells.” Audrey says as Mal looks at Audrey in shock.

“Audrey please….” Mal says before Audrey cuts her off.

“Quiet!” Audrey yells at Mal.

“It’s not a toy. It’s dangerous.” Mal says, trying to talk to her out of this.

“I WANT TO BE DANGEROUS!” Audrey says angrily as she turns back to Mal.

“My life was perfect until you stole it, and then Auradon turned its back on me. Well, it’s time for a little payback.” Audrey says as she walks away before Mal says.

“Audrey, wait!” Mal shouts as Audrey turns back to Mal and zaps her with the sceper.

“You think Ben will love you now, you old hag!” Audrey says asking a very old looking Mal. “You’ll pay the price of what you did and so will all of Auradon.”

“What’s that?” Liv asks as Carlos grabbed her hand and the four of them ran outside, with Celia in tow.

“So long, suckers!” Audrey says as she disappears into a cloud of pink smoke as Liv’s eyes widened in horror at the sight of her…sister. She almost didn’t even recognize her, with her new look and outfit.

Jay and Liv reached over to help Mal. “Whoa! Mal, you might wanna think of a spell for that.” Jay says seeing Mal had been changed to a very old looking woman.

“You act like you’ve never seen a very old person.” Liv says as he helps Mal up as Jay gives Liv a look.

“There’s no spell that can reverse the curse of the scepter.” Mal says sadly as Carlos and Liv say in unison. “Well that’s a shame.”

“Forget about me, Audrey’s out for revenge. And all of Auradon is in danger.” Mal explains the situation knowing the fate of Auradon if they don’t stop Liv’s mad sister.

“Any ideas? Because I don’t have any.” Liv says as everyone thinks of a plan to stop Audrey.

“The only thing more powerful than the scepter is Hades’ ember.” Mal says as Liv turns to Mal.

“Oh! Like he’s gonna just hand it over, if we went back to the island.” Jay says in a sarcastic tone as Liv hits his arm.

“You’re not helping.” Liv says as Jay makes a face before looking back at Mal.

“And no one knows where his lair even is.” Evie says.

“I do. I’m his errand rat. I’ve got the key at my Dad’s.” Celia says.

“You are coming.” Mal says to Celia as she pouts. “But I just got here.” Celia complains like a child that’s not getting what she wants.

“Mal?” Was another voice as everyone turned to see Dizzy, Ceci, and the Smee Twins. Dizzy and Ceci let out a scream at seeing Mal in her old form.

“Diz, and Ceci you stay here with the twins. Everything will be just fine. Go inside.” Evie tells the four kids as they went back inside.

“Guys go get your stuff.” Evie says as Jay, Liv and Carlos go and get their stuff as Liv quickly changes into her Isle outfit.

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