Chapter nine

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I woke up sometime later in the small infirmary with fresh bandages lining my skin. There was a slight pain in my head and a dull ringing in my ears as I remembered the events from earlier. When I looked out the window, it looked to be the middle of the night, but my body felt rested. The fight and the explosion must have happened hours ago, knocking me out cold in the process.

On my usual chair were two jackets, each identical to the other except one seemed a bit frayed from the blast. I slipped on the old one and carried the new one on my arm. Since it was night right now, everyone else in the building was either out working the night shift, or asleep in their rooms. The halls were quiet as I walked through them, I could hear my almost silent footsteps and heartbeat in my ears as I made my way down to the front steps. I called one of the drivers while hobbling to the elevator, it was waiting for me when I got down there.

When I got home, I called Mori, leaving a voicemail detailing my report to him. I threw the phone down on the bed, grimacing with the sudden movement. My entire body was unbelievably sore from the occurrences earlier today. The worst of the damage seemed to lie in my arm. The appendage was done up in tight bandages over a heavy metal cast that I could guess the use for, though the good doctor did think to give me a sling, so that made the weight more bearable.

As I laid down on the bed, feeling the way that my stomach protested the movement after the abuse it suffered from Chibi's kicks, I knew that if I were to undo my shirt, the entire area would be a deep purple. Getting to work on time tomorrow was going to be near impossible.


I stood outside of Mori's office the next day, waiting for the right time to go inside. Chuuya was brought in yesterday with all the other mafia members that passed out from the explosion, apparently. He was brought over to Mori's office not too long ago, Randou was with him. The ability user was using his skill to keep the gravity manipulator in check while they were in there with the boss. The sub executive could create sub spaces at will, anything within the space was under his control. Currently they were being used to trap the small teen.

I could vaguely hear the conversation on the other side of the door, I think the ginger had just mentioned something about the Arahabaki that he seemed so interested in. Chuuya's knowledge of a god whose origin is unknown was strange. It was definitely something that brought curiosity to me, as a Greek demigod in my own right.

I opened the door, startling all three criminals present in the room. I swept my gaze over the room, taking in the necessary details: Chuuya's arms were bound with leather straps, a chain was wrapped around his legs, his ankles were tied with industrial grade steel wire that was attached to the floor at the other end. Even his fishes were tightly chained. Randou's subspace skill was active around the gravity user's torso, with the skill user standing not far behind him. Mori seemed to be simply sitting at his desk, observing the scene.

"Scuds me. Coming in... oh?" I pretended to be surprised, an act that didn't fool anyone in the room. Well maybe Randou but his mind is focused on other things right now.

"Perfect," Mori said, his voice already grating on my nerves. "I was waiting for you."

I bet you were.

"Ah! You're that li'l twig from yesterday!" Chuuya exclaimed. I watched as the boy practically leaped in the air. Something told me that if he wasn't restrained right now, there would be a foot in my face. "You goddamn punk!"

"Oh wow. You seem to be doing well. I, on the other hand, got inquired pretty badly, as you can see," I held up my right arm, showing off the thick cast. My head was also wrapped up in bandages from the explosion and beating, not that you would really know since it was normally done up that way. "Where does all that energy of yours come from anyways? Are you having a growth spurt? Or is that what happened to all the nutrients that were supposed to make you smarter and taller?"

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