Chapter thirteen

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Chuuya and I walked back onto the street outside the arcade, leaving the two Sheep behind in the building. Chibi looked anxious, like he wasn't sure that what we just did was the right choice for him to make.

How stupid, worrying yourself sick over something that's too late to change. No matter how bad it's gotten since leaving camp, I've never looked like Chuuya does now.

"Stop it."

Chuuya looked at me, all the pent up emotions turning his ocean blue eyes into the color of the deep sea. It was a look that I'd seen well enough in the mirror to know what comes next.

A fist swung weakly at me, the person behind it too emotionally tired to put any force behind it. I grabbed the wrist, stumbling a little from the weight, even though I could tell his heart wasn't in it, Chuuya is still naturally stronger than anyone that I've ever met.

"Shut up, piece of shit," the boy growled. Even when cursing me out, Chibi wasn't looking at me, he was looking through the shop window of the arcade, staring at the two Sheep.

Not thinking much about it, I stretched out my other hand, putting a finger under the other boy's chin and guiding him till he was looking at me. The fact that he didn't immediately try to kill me told me just how out of it the boy was.

"What's done is done," I told him firmly, watching the anger begin to boil in the other boy's eyes, sweeping away the sorrow. "Get your head in the game if you don't want the enemy to put it on a spike."

Chuuya paused for a minute before pulling himself out of my grasp, each of our hands falling slowly to our sides. He laughed a little brokenly. "Now who's guilty of caring?" He asked, alluding to the conversation Randou's mansion. Despite the annoying remark, I could see some of the boy that I knew coming back... it was a missed look. The look of a braking boy didn't fit the redhead.

"Yeah, as if," I spat, taking care to meet the boy's eyes. I haven't cared about anything in years, not even myself, there's no reason for someone who's planning on killing themselves to suddenly care for anyone else. Even if the world of the mafia is something that's becoming increasingly more interesting, that's a fact that only a fool would think to try and change. "We have a bet remember, you pint sized criminal. You're only interesting if your head is in it."

I turned away from the boy, not caring to see whatever boring emotion might be there. "May the best monster win," I called out as I walked away.

After all... neither of us can really be called human.


I called Randou after leaving Chuuya outside the arcade, asking him to meet me at a reception room in an old shipyard building. The old owner had gone bankrupt years ago and nobody has bought the place since, making it the perfect place for illegal dealings to take place.

"You want me to bring party decorations?" The voice on the other side of the phone asked, in obvious disbelief. A rustling noise could be heard, most likely Randou shivering from the breeze in his room.

I shrugged despite knowing the fact that no one could see me. "What can I say? Todays a good day for a party."

Everyone deserves a going away party, Randou. Even you.


The Sub executive and I spent over an hour decorating the reception hall, changing it from a room trashed from a run down mess into something closer to my liking. The entire room was a flurry of colors, every wall filled with vibrant decorations either put up by myself or by Randou. Even with my arm in the heavy cast, I was still able to help decorating the space. We even went as far as to buy a two story cake from a small bakery.

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