Chapter twenty-nine

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A/N: So I suck at remembering characters's birthdays, but I got a warning in advance that today is Dazai's so I figured why not. I'll still post Friday as normal but here you go.

Chuuya POV

There was a loud banging noise in my ears sometime later. When I tried sitting, there was a weight on my chest holding me down. I looked down, confused by the unfamiliar presence, and found Dazai laying there, the other teen's head resting on my chest. Glancing around the cabin, I saw that there was still a fair amount of light everywhere and knew that we couldn't have been asleep for more than a hour or two at most. I really didn't want to wake the other teen up, knowing that this was probably the most sleep he'd gotten all week, and would get for the next few days, but the banging continued relentlessly and the other boy didn't stir.

Nudging the other boy's head, I tried to get him to roll over and move on his own enough for me to slip away without waking him, but when the sleeping teen finally started to shift, he was lucid enough to hear the noise.

"Lunch," the younger teen mumbled out, curling in on himself like that would make the world go away.

No sooner than the word was out of the other boy's mouth did I feel my stomach start to grumble, the noise startling the other teen enough to make him dig his head deeper into the comforter that he'd rolled onto.

I was tempted to leave him here and go eat on my own, but I don't know demigod customs and I knew just how much the other teen needed to eat. I poked the younger boy in the cheek where the blonde girl, Chase, had slapped him earlier. While it didn't do much to hurt him, it seemed to be just strange enough to make the other teen sit up, looking back at me with an eye still heavy from the thralls of sleep.

I watched silently as the other teen hopped off of the bed, seemingly waking up mid fall as his stance became more aware. The younger teen turned back to me, resting his arms and head on the bed, looking at me with clear eyes.

"Come on Chibi, it's lunch time," the taller boy mumbled out before slipping away from the bed, waiting for me by the door.

Jumping down from the top bunk, I felt every bit the slug that the other teen had taken to calling me recently as my body moved at a subdued pace. Food sounded great, but the prospect of having to deal with the other campers, or worse, another staring contest with the supposed centaur almost didn't seem worth the trip.

We left the safety of the cabin, making our way to what I assumed to be the dining pavilion, my skin prickling the entire way. I felt like crushing all of the staring demigod punks into the ground as they bunched together and whispered among themselves, staring at the pair of us, but went against it in the end. Killing children right before some big mythological war didn't seem like the best of ideas that I could have, but that didn't stop me from staring back.

We sat down at what I assumed to be the Poseidon table, all of them looked exactly the same except of the twelve present, four were completely devoid of any people. A new wave of whispers and stares erupted from the campers as we sat down, but Dazai just returned their gazes with vicious glares until they looked away for the most part.

I really don't understand children.

Cups and plates were whisked around to all of the tables quickly as more and more campers joined. The teen across from me grabbed the cup in his bandaged hands, holding it seemingly gingerly as we watched it fill quickly with some type of blue colored soda.

"The hell is that?" I asked, pointing at the glass in the other boy's hand.

The other teen only shrugged and took a small sip of the fizzy drink in lieu of a proper answer.

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