Chapter ten

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We stopped shoving each other around once we left the mafia building, we stopped even standing close enough to each other for that to be an option. 

I started walking towards a witness's house, letting the small criminal trail behind me. The two of us made sure to stay a good fifteen feet apart from one another, hoping that nobody that saw us on the street would think that we were traveling together. Chuuya most likely wanted the distance so that he wouldn't look suspicious in front of the Sheep. I was fine with going along with it, if Chuuya was behind me then I could pretend that the teen didn't exist. That all the annoying thoughts and feelings that creep up when I see him don't exist either.

I stared up at the pale blue sky. A younger me would have thought that the picture it created was perfect, a sight that made you want to take in a deep breath when you stepped outside from just seeing it. The older me knew that the sight was too perfect. 

It's the calm before the storm.

We made our way down an alley, listening to the quiet of the city. It was truly a peaceful day. So of course someone had to ruin it.

"...hey," I heard Chuuya mutter softly behind me.

His voice was quiet enough that I could just pretend I didn't hear it and keep walking. Anything but having to look at the boy.

"... hey, I'm talking to you," Chuuya repeated. His voice was louder this time, something that could be heard. That couldn't be ignored. "Tell me where we're going."

I considered just turning around and answering the teen, but a better idea sparked my interest.

"Gosh, the weather is really nice today. In fact, it's so nice, I think I can hear a little fairy talking to me."

A sense of satisfaction runs through me at Chibi's annoyed response.

"Aw, piss off. You know it's me."

How could I possibly forget?

I looked back at the teen, a fake look of surprise on my face. I focused on the sense of annoyance that comes when I see the boy, ignoring the heat on my neck. Not that anyone could see the blush creeping up it anyways, I had the bandages to thank for that. "Oh, how long have you been there? Do you think you could leave me alone? I'm kind of busy breathing right now?"

And you make that hard to do.

I could hear the boy's frustration, could almost feel it. "I'm about to rip that head right off your body, mummy boy," the teen growled. "Anyway, forget it. Just tell me where we're going."

'Forget it'? Was there something else that he was going to say?

"Fine, you win. But would you mind keeping your distance? I don't want anyone to think that I know you."

We'd gradually closed the distance between us while talking, I needed that distance back. It's not like there's anyone that would recognize me, but it was a good enough lie to fool the small teen.

"Don't worry. I feel the same way."

Right, he actually has people that could recognize him. If I were to run into my friends, they'd just pass by me like a stranger.

I faked a laugh. "Look at us getting along so well. That's what makes me love you!" I said jokingly, smiling at the small teen.

Of course it was a joke. Something like me, something that can't even be called human anymore, falling in love? I don't even know if that's something that I'm capable of anymore, or if that part of me died with the person I used to be. 

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