Chapter forty-one

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A/N: So the idea behind this chapter was kinda taking the way that Chuuya and Dazai bicker a lot and redirecting the chaotic energy at someone else... together. So this is kinda going to be more of a fun chapter than the others because 1. Rewriting a book inside an AU is a bitch and 2. Even with everything that has happen to them they are still just kids. At least for a little bit of it anyways.

Dazai POV

My body buzzed with a renewed sense of energy as we sat down at one of the picnic tables in the Heckscher Playground. Smoke floated into the air as I tiled my head back and slowly let it out before passing the cigarette off to Chuuya, who was sitting atop the picnic table and gave the small flame life once more.

A disgusted sound could be heard from behind the pair of us as hooves struck the earth while moving farther away from the gravity manipulator and I. "Do you have to do that while I'm here?" Grover asked, the complaint barely out of his mouth before a disgruntled bay followed it.

"Trust me," the other ability user said, not bothering to look down at me as he responded for the pair of us, "this is a better alternative than him running around causing chaos." I beamed up at the older teen with a look that we both knew was as real as my current hair color. "Especially since he actually got some sleep for once and has the energy to add action to his normal verbal chaos," the boy reported in an all too knowing voice.

"And what is there to be so excited about?" The leader of the Hunters questioned.

My back was to her, but I didn't need to see her face to know that it wasn't a pleasant expression there. Sure enough, when I twisted my body to look at the people behind me, the daughter of Zues had her arms crossed over her chest and was playing with the silver bracelet on her wrist as if considering attempting to scare me with the shield.

"Exactly!" I exclaimed, my voice dripping with false cheer. "It's a meeting with our adversaries, that means that I can act however I see fit and the worse that comes comes out of it is that we have to kill them," I explained, watching with a strange satisfaction as horror spread over the faces of the other demigod and the satyr.

Chuuya passed the cigarette back to me, seemingly done with his turn, but no sooner was the piece in my hand before smoke was blown into my face. "You can't just say shit like that," the other boy complained, seemingly unimpressed with my bored look.

"At least I didn't plant explosives under the picnic table like I'd thought about doing," I said in my own defense, finishing off the last of the cigarette, knocking off the dying cherry and pocketing the bud to throw away once we left.

During the year that I'd first spent with the underground doctor, the man had 'saved' me, as he liked to call it, from a number of suicide attempts. One of them had been disarming a bomb, though I didn't quite remember if it had truly been a particularly desperate suicide attempt on my part, or an very unoriginal assassination attempt made by a supporter of the old boss. Either way, the boss had been forced to diffuse the bomb himself, lest lose someone that he viewed as an important, and dangerous, asset.

"Not helping!" The other ability user exclaimed, though I knew that beneath the anger, he probably wasn't really all that against the idea.

The other two looked like they had finally recovered from my previous two statements when I saw them clam up once more almost simultaneously. Turning my head to the direction that they were looking, I saw an obnoxiously large white flag being waved by a giant easily thirty feet tall with bright blue skin that I wouldn't doubt would freeze me if I were to touch it.

A Hyperborean, a giant from the northern region of the continent that largely tended to be peaceful unless thoughtlessly provoked by demigods with an unintentional death with.

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