07. idiot decisions

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RONAN'S SUDDEN APPEARANCE had only added to the chaos of their already unlucky situation. Drax had somehow managed to contact him, and now they were faced with yet another threat in the midst of their desperate escape. It seemed like just when they thought they might catch a break, fate had other plans in store for them.

As they all crammed into the cramped confines of the orb spaceship, Layla couldn't help but feel a sense of dread settling in the pit of her stomach. The journey had been nothing short of a wild ride, and now, with Gamora on the verge of death and the orb being beamed up by Ronan's ship, their situation seemed more dire than ever.

"Quill, come on," Rocket's voice crackled through the comms system, breaking the tense silence. Layla could hear the strain in his voice, the weight of their predicament bearing down on them all.

"Her body mods should keep her alive for a couple more minutes, but there's nothing we can do for her," Rocket explained grimly, his words hanging heavily in the air.

Peter remained silent, his jaw clenched in frustration as he processed the grim reality of their situation. "These pods aren't meant to be out here, in a few minutes, we're gonna be in the same boat," Rocket continued, his tone grave.

"Aw, dammit," Layla heard her dad mutter under his breath, a sense of resignation lacing his words.

Peter took a deep breath, his mind racing as he weighed their options. "Yondu! Yondu..." he began, his voice tinged with desperation.

"Dad! Are you fucking crazy?" Layla's voice cut through the tension, her heart pounding in her chest as she reached out to grab her father by the arm, her eyes wide with fear.

"Language," Peter chided gently, his gaze meeting hers for a fleeting moment before he turned back to relay their coordinates to Yondu, the man they were desperately trying to evade.

Layla felt a surge of panic rise within her as she watched her dad don his mask, preparing to venture out into the perilous unknown. "Is he going out there?" she whispered, her voice trembling with fear.

"Aaron, close this when I go out there, don't let that Layla get out," Peter instructed Owen, his tone resolute despite the gravity of the situation.

"It's...Owen, sir," Owen corrected hesitantly, his expression conflicted as he complied with Peter's orders, his grip tightening on Layla's arm.

Layla shook her head in disbelief, her mind racing with a thousand thoughts and fears. "We barely know her, you can't just..." she began, her voice trailing off as Peter's hand came to rest on her cheek, his touch gentle yet firm.

"I have to save her," Peter said softly, his eyes locking with Layla's for a fleeting moment before he turned away, his resolve unwavering as he stepped out of the pod and into the unknown.

Layla watched in silent horror as her father made his way over to Gamora, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled against Owen's grip. "Let me go, Owen, I have to save him," she pleaded, her voice laced with desperation.

"No can do, roomie," Owen said, his tone apologetic yet firm as he held her back, his gaze flickering between Layla and the unfolding scene outside the pod. "If your dad comes back, there's no way I'm gonna let him murder me cus' I let you go."

Layla's chest tightened with a sense of helplessness as she watched her father remove his mask and place it over Gamora's face, sacrificing his own safety to save another. "No! Dad!" she screamed, her voice lost amidst the chaos of Rocket's yelling and the hum of the spaceship.

"Dad! Let go, Owen! I have to save him!" she cried out, her heart breaking as she watched her father risk everything for someone he barely knew. But as the seconds ticked by and the danger mounted, Layla knew that she was powerless to stop him, trapped within the confines of the pod as her father faced the dangers of the unknown, his fate hanging in the balance.

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