10. dance off, bro!

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BEFORE I START. I hate writing action scenes so this might suck. REALLY LONG CHAPTER but cute

of the ship, her excitement over joyed as she anticipated the impending action. It was a rare opportunity, one that her father had reluctantly granted, and she was determined to make the most of it.

As they discussed the plan, Layla couldn't help but acknowledge its flaws. It seemed reckless and haphazard, but there was an undeniable thrill to it that she couldn't ignore. Despite her reservations, she was eager to prove herself alongside her father and Owen.

"This is a terrible plan," Gamora's voice echoed from the front of the ship, voicing Layla's own thoughts. She couldn't help but chuckle in agreement, finding solace in the shared sentiment.

"Hey! You're the one who said you wanted to die among friends," Peter teased, his voice laced with a hint of mischief.

Layla glanced over at Owen, noticing his excitement bubbling beneath the surface. She felt a similar surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins but suppressed the urge to show it outwardly, determined to maintain a sense of maturity. As Yondu's voice boomed through the ship, urging them to take cover, Layla's heart skipped a beat.

"Are you kids ready for this?" Peter's voice cut through the tension, his gaze fixed on Layla and Owen.

"Yeah!" they both exclaimed in unison, their voices filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Layla tightened her grip on the armrests as the ship maneuvered through the chaotic battlefield, her senses heightened as they dodged incoming fire and obstacles.

"Holy shit!" Layla couldn't help but yell as they weaved through the onslaught, the rush of adrenaline overwhelming her senses.

"Watch your language back there!" Peter admonished, his focus on piloting the ship unwavering despite the chaos surrounding them.

As Rocket urged them to act quickly, Layla's heart raced with anticipation. The stakes were high, and she couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnawed at her.

"There's too many of them, Rocket! We'll never make it up there!" Gamora's voice rang out, her words fueling Layla's growing sense of unease.

But just as doubt began to creep in, Layla spotted reinforcements joining the fray. The arrival of the Nova Corps brought a glimmer of hope, bolstering their chances of success.

"They got my dick message!" Peter exclaimed, his jubilant tone cutting through the tension.

Layla couldn't help but roll her eyes at her father's crude humor, a mixture of amusement and exasperation tugging at her.

As Peter accelerated the ship, Layla braced herself for what lay ahead. With determination burning in her chest, she steeled herself for the challenges that awaited, ready to prove herself in the heat of battle.

Drax's exuberant chants filled the air, his joy contagious as they hurtled through space. Layla couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins, the thrill of their reckless maneuvering sending her heart racing.

As Peter executed his daring plan, the others watched in a mix of confusion and terror, their senses overwhelmed by the chaos unfolding around them. Layla clung to her seat as the ship careened through space, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the armrests tightly.

When Peter finally brought the ship to a stop, Layla felt a surge of relief wash over her, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she tried to calm her racing heart. "Layla, other one, you two okay?" Peter's voice cut through the tension, his concern evident as he turned to check on them.

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