12. birthday mission

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"SHOW TIME A—HOLES." Layla heard her dad's familiar quip, his voice tinged with a blend of excitement and bravado that never failed to elicit a mixture of amusement and exasperation from his companions.

Adjusting the device that Gamora had insisted she wear, Layla exchanged a knowing glance with Owen, who was fidgeting with his own device nearby. "So, you're like fourteen now?" Owen inquired, his voice laced with a hint of teasing as he attempted to navigate the delicate terrain of teenage social dynamics.

Layla shrugged nonchalantly, a small smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "That's what Dad says, but I think I look at least twenty," she quipped, her tone infused with a playful confidence that belied the insecurities lurking beneath the surface.

Owen chuckled softly, his laughter echoing in the crisp air as he playfully nudged his best friend's shoulder. "Layla, you look no older than thirteen," he teased, his words punctuated by a gentle pat on her back.

Before Layla could muster a snarky retort, their attention was abruptly diverted by the sight of a monstrous beast hurtling towards them from the sky. Owen's mouth hung agape in stunned disbelief, mirroring Layla's own wide-eyed expression as they took in the formidable creature's imposing visage.

"Well, that looks rough," Layla remarked dryly, her voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and feigned nonchalance as she cleared her throat, attempting to mask the trepidation gnawing at her insides.

As the beast crashed to the ground with an earth-shattering thud, Drax wasted no time in springing into action, his primal roar reverberating through the air as he charged headlong towards the creature with reckless abandon.

Peter cast a concerned glance in Layla's direction, his brow furrowing with genuine worry as he addressed his daughter. "Do you want to sit this one out? You can go back to the ship," he offered, his paternal instincts kicking into overdrive as he sought to shield Layla from harm's way.

Layla emitted a frustrated groan, her eyes rolling skyward as she shook her head in exasperation. "No, Dad, I don't," she retorted, her tone laced with a stubborn determination that brooked no argument as she firmly grasped her blaster, her resolve unyielding in the face of adversity.

Peter raised a placating hand in mock surrender, a wry grin playing at the corners of his lips. "Well, sorry for asking," he quipped, his words laden with a playful sarcasm that served as a testament to their enduring bond.

With her resolve steeled and her determination unwavering, Layla charged into battle alongside her father and their ragtag band of misfit heroes, her heart pounding with a heady mixture of fear and exhilaration as she unleashed a barrage of blaster fire upon the formidable creature before them.

Despite her best efforts to maintain her composure, Layla couldn't suppress a wry grin as Owen stumbled and fell amidst the chaos of battle, his antics eliciting a rare moment of levity amidst the harrowing ordeal.

But her amusement was short-lived as the creature retaliated, its massive form lashing out with ferocious intent, sending Peter hurtling through the air with alarming force. "Fuck you, Owen!" Layla shouted, her frustration boiling over as she instinctively flipped her friend the middle finger, her words punctuated by a potent mixture of indignation and adrenaline-fueled bravado.

"Hey! Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you can say swear words!" Peter admonished, his voice tinged with a blend of amusement and exasperation as he struggled to regain his footing amidst the chaos of battle.

As the battle raged on, Layla found herself huddled beside Gamora and Drax, their collective gaze fixed upon the towering beast before them. "The beast's hide is too thick to be pierced from the outside; I must cut through it from the inside," Drax declared with unwavering resolve, his words echoing in the air with a solemn gravitas that belied the inherent absurdity of his plan.

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