14. temper loss

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"I'M NOT GOING!" Layla declared, her arms crossed defiantly in front of her like a barricade of resistance. Her voice rang out with the familiar tone of Layla Quill's fiery determination, and her expression bore the signature scowl that Peter had grown accustomed to over the years. It was evident that she had no intention of complying with her father's insistence on accompanying him to her newfound grandfather's planet, but Peter remained resolute in his decision, unwavering in his resolve to uphold the promise he made the night before.

"Excuse me, yes you are," Peter asserted firmly.

Layla scoffed, feeling a surge of boldness course through her veins. "And if I don't?" she challenged, her voice laced with defiance.

"Well, if you don't, you're gonna be grounded—"

"For what? For a week? Maybe two?" Layla interjected, her words dripping with skepticism as she sought to test the limits of her father's disciplinary measures.

"So close! Two months," Peter clarified, his tone unwavering as he stood his ground.

Layla halted in her tracks at this revelation, her resolve faltering as the weight of her father's ultimatum settled over her like a heavy shroud. She knew she couldn't win this battle, not even if she threw an actual temper tantrum. Reluctantly, she acquiesced, resigning herself to the inevitability of her fate. "Fine! Whatever. Come on, Owen," she called out to her best friend, her tone laced with frustration and defeat.

Owen obediently began to walk toward Layla, but before he could reach her, Peter intervened with a stern command. "Nuh uh, your little boyfriend is not coming," he declared.

Owen came to an abrupt halt, his expression shifting from confusion to flustered embarrassment. "He's not my—god! At least let me say goodbye since you're practically tearing me away from my best friend," he pleaded, his frustration evident in his voice as he sought to salvage a semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos.

"Fine, whatever, just hurry up," Peter relented, his tone begrudgingly allowing Owen a moment of farewell.

Layla rolled her eyes in exasperation at her father's obstinacy, her frustration simmering beneath the surface as she approached Owen. "Sorry about my prison warden... we'll be back soon," she muttered under her breath, her words tinged with a mixture of resentment and resignation.

She watched as Owen leaned in for a hug, and despite the initial awkwardness, Layla reciprocated the gesture wholeheartedly. Their embrace enveloped them both, a moment of unexpected intimacy amidst the tension of their impending departure. Layla couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in Owen's arms, a feeling she hadn't realized she had been craving until that moment. It was strange, she thought, how she had never hugged Owen before, yet now she felt compelled to do so, even if it meant being separated for just a few short days.

"Alright, that's enough," Peter's voice cut through the moment, he grabbed them both by the shoulders and broke them apart with an abruptness that left Layla feeling slightly disoriented.

She didn't say much in response, merely rolling her eyes in annoyance before swiftly grabbing her dad's Walkman from his hands. With determined strides, Layla walked ahead of him, the familiar weight of the Walkman in her hands providing a sense of familiarity and solace. As she walked, she placed the headphones over her ears and pressed play, the soothing melody of a familiar song filling her ears and calming her racing thoughts.

"The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac.

She sat next to her dad on the sterile, white ship, her frustration palpable in the air around her. Drax's voice broke through her anger-induced trance, pulling her attention away from her simmering emotions.

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