Oneshot.1 - Please stop hiding and just notice me!~ [Yandere!Jesse X Reader

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This is kind of continuing from the part1 except you know the heroes more and are friends with them but is a oneshot of SoftYandere!Jesse and willing!reader :>

<Third person pov: >

Y/N woke up in here bed like she usually did the many days.. streching and yawning rubbing, her eyes. Going twoards the door and oppening it the key she had allways with her, going out and greeting everyone she sees by ofcourse and act of kindness when she saw Stampy with his friend StacyPlays.. they seemed to be talking and had a little puppy running around them, Y/N decided to go twoards the little puppy and pet it as Stampy and Stacy smiled, greeting Y/N and Y/N greeting them back.

She started to walk twoards a shop getting some cookies for herself to eat ofcourse since she was starving and ate one right away as she walked away. Y/N seemed pretty cheerful today walking around town. Y/N saw Jesse hanging around, sitting on some stairs and decided to go twoards him and talk with him a little.

<Y/N's pov: >
"Hey Jesse! How are you?" I said to him, pretty a basic start to a connversation but its still kind to ask. Jesse turned his attention to me and smiling. "Hi Y/N, i'm doing fine heh" he said, rubbing the back of his head and putting his hand back down as I sat down next to him begging to speak again. "So.. any new adventures today?.." I questioned him and he just shook his head "Nope. Not really, but.. maybe some other day." He chuckled softly looking at me and then back at the sky.. he seemed to stop smiling. "Are you okay Jesse?" He nodded before speaking up "Yeah I am.. don't worry" he smiled softly a little looking at me.
"If you say so.." I mummbled a little to myself as I got a little bit worried about Jesse.. maybe its of how much work he has to do and is probbably tierd.

"Well.. I better get going" Jesse said getting up. "You sure you're really okay? Because I am worried about you." He turned his head to me and spoke up smiling softly. "Seriously I am okay its just that I am tierd a little bit so.. yeah" he chuckled akwardly before going up the stairs back inside of the building. I sat there akwardly for a few seconds and getting up going down the stairs, and walking to Nell to talk with her.. since I liked hanging around with her because of how chill she seems allways.
<small time skip>

<Third person pov: >
Y/N got up and went out of Nell's house waving goodbye and as she was back out on the path.. she looked up at the sky.. evening. Seems like she was hanging out and talking with Nell for quite a while before looking back foward and going twoards the fountian and sitting on the edge before someone else did too. "Heyyy" said the person who sat next to her. Y/N jumped a little and looking at who it was.. someone unfamilliar to her..

Y/N's pov:
"Uh.. who are you?" I asked the female.. she had a purple skirt and a jacket.. whatever you call it that was stripped , short blonde hair and a microphone near her mouth. "Oh- right uhm. Im from the other town if you probbably seen it- if not.. please go check it out if you'd like!~ er- id give you something in return if you do!" She said smiling akwardly as I shrugged. "Okay?.. I will probbably later but.. can you tell me your name?" I asked her raising an eyebrow at her as she chuckled "Ohh right! Ahem the name's Stella and.. like you don't gotta introdouce yourself since I like- know your name allready." 'Okay... that was a bit strange that they know my name..' I thought as I sighed a little bit "Okay then.." I mummbled. "You seem to like this town more.. y'know.. mine is BETTER, I could've gave you something for free if you went to our town instead. Its way more luxurious sweetie!~" she said to me grinning softly at me a smiled akwardly chuckling even. "Uh heheh uhm.. no thanks. But- I might check out the town Stella." I said back at her as she looked away a little dissapointed mummbling something to herself before looking back at me. "Okay then! Your choice." She said in a dissapointed tone but still trying to smile a little, I smiled back too as she started to get up and walk away. "Well.. that was.. odd.." I mummbled to myself as I stood up from the fountians edge looking up at the sky before going to my little cabin, oh wow.. it seemed to be dark now.. I looked back foward and slowly made my way in the dark as the lanterns around some houses lit up.. tho the cabin was a little bit far.. I sighed as I walked slowly to the cabin. It seemed to be a little chilly outside but not that much.. some of the lanterns that were lit up slowly faded away from my disstance as I walked.

*snap/crunch* I flinched and stood there frozen and shaking as I heard something snapping.. like a twig.. or something crunching like a leaf as I tried taking deep breaths reminding myself that it must've ben just an animal still running around. I began to walk again as I calmed down. I was almost at the cabin but.. "Y/N?~" I heard someone call my name.. I stopped and looked around for a little. "W-what?-" I mummbled to myself "w-who are you?!" I shouted but trying not to dissturb the peace also. "Cmon.. I thought you'd know who I am by now.." they said back in a soft sweet tone.
I could kind of reccognize it as they chuckled akwardly.
They came out of the shadow alleway as I stared horrified.. it was Jesse.. covered in blood from his hands to his torso to his face.. and smiling akwardly at me with a diamond bloody axe in his hand. I got scared and ran as fast as I could to my cabin as I heard him running behind me "Y-Y/N! Come back!~" he shouted at me but I just ignored and shut the door behind me locking it, and crawling underneath the bed.

I heard some slow walking outside of the cabin's door.. it was him.. I breathed as quietly as I could. "Y/N?.. ...I know you're in there.." he said softly in a tierd voice as he struggled with the door.. "Fine then.." I could see him raise the axe and break the window and stepping inside and walking twoards the chest and looking inside.. no luck.. he couldn't find me there.. he looked inside the closet.. still no luck.. only spot left was mine.. he swinged the axe down onto the bed.. I could see the sharp edge near my face.. he swinged again again again until the bode broke and dissapeard. All I did was look up in shock.

"Oh- here you are!~ come on.. come to your hero~" he said grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me upwards as he embraced me into a hug. The blood he had on him was now sinking onto my clothes.

"For so long all I did was work.. and work.. I was so tierd since you bearly noticed me..." he mummbled to me I didn't know what to do other than stand the frozen as he kept hugging me. He.. he did have a point the the worked everyday and had no time to almost speak to me... "Im so glad to have you now dear.. I love you." He mummbled again his sweet soft tone.. I kind of felt bad.. but.. I don't know why. I patted and rubbed him on the back making him blush a little. "I-its okay Jesse.." I said before he backed away from the hug having his hands around my waist only before he spoke. "Y/N.. do you love me dear?" He said dropping the axe. I would love to say yes.. but I didn't like how he was covered in blood.. "Before I give my awnser.. c-can you tell me whoes blood that is on you?.." he stared away from me akwardly before speaking up. "Its not from the people here.. I promise.. its just... someone else who was an enemy.." he said chuckling akwardly.. seemed like he was telling the truth. I put my hands on his cheeks as they turned red a little while he stared into my eyes. "H-huh?" He said before I gave him a small short kiss on his lips, as he blushed so much. "S-so is that- a- y-yes!?" He stuttered out and I nodded smilling softly. "O-oh my.. im glad you feel the same way. I-im glad I get to keep you forever dear~" he said before hugging me again shortly. "Jesse? Please do wash the blood off tho.." he akwardly smiled and nodded before he went out to wash off the blood on him. I sat the on the floor waiting for him.. before he finally came back clean now. "Oh-.. I forgot about that you dont have the bed.. eheh here!" He placed a bed down from his inventory. "Thanks Jesse." I smiled before getting up and giving him a kiss on the cheek, he blushed more again as I chuckled softly going into my bed. "Are you just gonna stand there?" I asked him "N-no! Its just.. I can't really sleep here you see.. i have to sleep in my own bed y'know, plus it would be emmbarasing for someone to see me walking out of your house in the morning.. they would think something else happened..." I chuckled a little nodding "Okay then.. see you probbably in the morrning my hero." I said as he blushed a little bit more and waving a goodbye, walking put of the house as I fell asleep slowly.

Well that was wholesome! Next Oneshot... - Yandere!Petra X Hurt!Reader

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