Chapter 3: The Letters From No One

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The Brazilian boa constrictor's escape resulted in Harry and Y/N receiving their harshest punishment to date. By the time they were permitted to leave their cupboard once again, the summer holidays had begun, Dudley had already crashed his remote-control aeroplane, smashed his new cine camera, and, when riding his racing bike for the first time, ran over old Mrs. Figg as she crossed Privet Drive on crutches.

Even though Y/N and Harry were relieved that school was out for the summer, Dudley's gang continued to pay daily visits to the house. Piers, Dennis, Malcolm, and Gordon were all large and borderline illiterate, but Dudley was the biggest and most illiterate of the group, making him the leader. They were all more than happy to participate in Dudley's favourite pastime, Potter-poaching.

Harry and Y/N discussed the end of the holidays and how they could see a glimmer of hope while walking around as much as they could outside of the house. They would start secondary school in September and, for the first time in their lives, they wouldn't be with Dudley. At Smeltings, Uncle Vernon's former school, Dudley had a spot. Piers Polkiss was going there, too. On the other hand, Y/N and Harry were enrolled at the neighbourhood comprehensive, Stonewall High. Dudley found this to be quite amusing.

"They stuff people's heads down the toilet the first day at Stonewall," he told the boys. "Want to come upstairs and practise?"

"No thanks," Harry said. "The poor toilet's never had anything as horrible as your head down it-it might be sick." Before Dudley could understand what he had said, he fled. Once he had realised what Harry said, he was prepared to chase after him when Y/N caught him and pushed him back. Which he ridiculously overreacted to, hoping to get him in trouble.

Aunt Petunia left Harry and Y/N at Mrs. Figg's one day in July while she accompanied Dudley to London to get his Smeltings uniform. It wasn't as horrible as usual with Mrs. Figg. She had actually broken her leg when stumbling over one of her cats, and she didn't seem to be as attached to them as she had been. She offered the boys a piece of chocolate cake that tasted like it had been in her fridge for years while she let them watch television.

For the family that evening, Dudley paraded about in his brand-new uniform in the living room. Smeltings boys wore orange knickerbockers, boaters (flat straw hats), and maroon tailcoats. Also, they had knobby sticks that they used to bash one another while the teachers weren't looking. This was meant to serve as good preparation for the future somehow.

Uncle Vernon gruffly remarked that it was the proudest moment of his life as he gazed at Dudley in his new knickerbockers. Aunt Petunia broke down in tears and expressed her shock at seeing her Ickle Dudleykins saying he was so mature and handsome. Y/N lacked confidence in himself to talk. He believed that while trying not to laugh, two of his ribs may have already been fractured.

The following morning as Y/N and Harry entered the kitchen for breakfast, there was a terrible odor. It appeared to be coming from a huge metal tub in the sink. They went to take a look. There was what appeared to be dirty rags swimming in the grey water in the tub.

"What the hell is this?" Y/N asked Aunt Petunia. When he and Harry dared to pose a question, especially with this attitude, her lips compressed as they always did.

"Your new school uniform," she answered.

Once more, they examined this so-called 'uniform'.

"Oh," Y/N said. "I didn't realise it had to be so wet," Harry said.

"Don't be stupid," Aunt Petunia snapped. "I'm dyeing-"

"Oh, thank god," Y/N said with a relieved sigh. "Silence when I'm speaking, boy!" Aunt Petunia snarled.

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