Chapter 2 - Mike

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Grunting, I lift the heavy bar above my chest, my arm muscles straining from the additional weight. He was jerking himself off. I lower my arms and repeat. Yeah, there's nothing wrong with a guy enjoying himself in the middle of the afternoon. I grit my teeth and force myself to do one more rep as my arms begin to shake uncontrollably. Then why the fuck, do I keep remembering his flushed face in my mind over and over again?

Annoyed, I place the bar back on the rung and sit up, breathing hard. It's not the only thing that's hard, either. I glance around the gym, but it's pretty empty this time of day. I made my way here after seeing Dylan, my brain was a mess, and I needed to calm down. But my workout seems to have only agitated me more. Not to mention my hard dick.

I'm still stunned that the big guy is up. It's rare these days for him to poke his head out. I've even resorted to seeing a therapist about it, but the problem has consisted no matter what I do.

But why Dylan?

I lean forwards to grab my water bottle off the ground. He's a guy, for starters, sure he's small and nerdy with his black-rimmed glasses and light red hair swooping over his ears, but he's definitely not a woman. I let the cold water dribble down my chin as I take big gulps. Trying to banish the image of him lying naked on his bed.

It's not working. The more I try to push the thoughts away, the more I remember. Like, how he had two of his fingers shoved up his ass. Did that even feel good? I shiver. No fucking way, I'm giving that a try, no matter how desperate I am, but he did look like he was feeling it. Maybe he's figured out something I haven't in my twenty-eight years. I've had a couple of girlfriends, nothing serious, but it wasn't until the past two years that my problem started. However, according to my rock-hard dick tenting my gym shorts, it's like I've never had a problem getting an erection in my life.

Sighing, I place my water bottle down and fish out my phone from my pocket. There's a new message from Dylan. I swipe open my phone and thumb open the messenger app.

Dylan: Sorry about earlier... I had put a reminder in my phone, but I forgot to check.

There are a couple of air bubbles fluttering at the bottom of the screen, but they quickly disappear and reappear before disappearing again. The corner of my mouth tips up, just imagining him flushing with embarrassment on the other end.

Mike: Don't worry about it. We all gotta do it sometime or another.

I watch adamantly as the little bubbles appear again.

Dylan: Hehe yeah

For some reason, I don't want to let it slide, an idea forming in my head. An opportunity to maybe get to the bottom of my problem has presented itself, and I'm not about to pass it up. No matter how crazy my brain says, I am.

Mike: Are you free this evening to go over the project?

Dylan: Yeah, sure. What time?

Mike: Around six? I'll buy us some pizza and beer on the way.

Dylan: Sounds good.

I chuckle at his short responses and put my phone back in my pocket. Thankfully, during our conversation, my dick settles down somewhat, and I'm able to stand without feeling self-conscious and head to the changing room. 

My phone dings again, and I can't help but smile until I see it's from Rachel. I've finally decided to have the talk with her. Ending our relationship completely is the only way for us to be happy. This toxic dance she likes to play with me is finally coming to an end. I decide to reply to her text later about when we should meet up to talk. Right now, I'm trying to figure out a way to get Dylan to help me with my problem. Getting him to agree is the first step.

Mike & DylanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang