Chapter 3 - Dylan

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I pace my apartment as I watch the clock on the stove move slowly toward six o'clock. For the rest of the day, I've been going over scenarios in my head. What if he tells me he doesn't want to work with me anymore, and this is it? Or what if he doesn't say anything, and it just hangs between us like thick molasses? I don't know which one is worse?

My hand shakes as I run it through my hair, trying to get the straight ends to obey. I've already spent an hour in the bathroom fussing with it, but nothing I do can coax the hair away from my face unless I tuck it behind my ears. Maybe I should have gotten a haircut? Do I still have time? I glance at the clock again. Of course, I don't; he'll be here in five minutes.

There's a knock at the door, and I just about jump out of my skin. He's early. I put a hand to my pounding heart and make my way over to the door. I can't help myself but look through the peephole. I lick my lips nervously, he's wearing a fitted black shirt with dark jeans, and his short hair is neatly moulded back in place. He looks like a sexy pizza delivery man with the pizza and beer in his big hands. I know what I'll be dreaming of tonight.

Biting my lips nervously, I open the door. "Hi," I try and sound confident, but I know I'm already failing as the word catches in my throat.

"Hey, sorry I'm a bit early, but there wasn't a lot of traffic for Friday night." He grins, and my traitorous heart thumps wildly in my chest. Why does he have to be so damn hot? "Are you going to invite me in? Or am I banned because of what I saw earlier this afternoon?" He laughs, teasing me, and I feel like an idiot for standing there gawking at him.

"Yeah, come on in." I stand behind the door, so I won't accidentally bump against his big frame as he walks in. He easily towers over my measly five-nine as he walks past. However, my nose is not immune to smelling his delicious cologne. He smells like a black panther sitting under the hot sun and leather. I can literally feel the saliva pooling in my mouth, getting ready to drool out the side of my mouth like a love-sick puppy.

"Is your roommate here?" He doesn't set the pizza down on the table but instead glances down the hallway toward the bedrooms.

"Oh, no, he's out tonight." I quickly close the front door and lock it for good measure. Don't need anyone else walking in on me unannounced.

I look up at Mike. His eyes scrutinize me up and down curiously, making me feel like I'm naked again. My cheeks bloom with heat, and I know I probably look like a bright red tomato with my fair skin. I gulp soundlessly. Maybe it's too soon to have him over, and why did I tell him we were alone?

"Good," Mike clears his throat. "We should probably dive into this pizza before it gets cold and the beer warms."

"Yeah," I walk past him and head to my bedroom on autopilot.

I regret it the moment I walk in. My room isn't small, but I feel crowded with Mike hovering in the door frame. There's no way I'm not going to accidentally bump into him. "Maybe we should sit in the living room?"

"Nah, here's fine." After closing the door with his foot, he sits on my bed. Taking up a good portion of the end of the double mattress. I never saw a reason to buy a queen-sized bed since I don't take up much room, but now that I have a literal giant sitting on it, I'm having second thoughts. Not that he's going to be spread out on it.

Mike leans against the wall after taking off his shoes and cracks open a beer. While I stand there like an idiot wrestling with my inner thoughts.

"Here," Mike hands me the open beer, and our fingers briefly touch. Was that electricity I felt or was it just the cold can? I shake it off and greedily down the whole can of beer. When I finish, Mike is staring at me with wide eyes. "I guess you needed that."

He doesn't say for what, but I know he's referring to our earlier incident. Why did I have to go and jerk off in the middle of the day? I usually wait until bedtime or early in the morning.

I take a seat near the gaggle of pillows after grabbing the remote from the nightstand. It's not a big tv, but it gets the job done. Thankfully, from this side of the bed, I can't smell Mike's intoxicating scent over the fragrant aroma of cheese and pepperoni sitting between us. 

Already, I can feel the alcohol buzzing through me as I turn the tv on. "What do you want to watch while we eat? Or do you want to go over some work first?" I silently plead, hoping he doesn't want to work first because I don't think I can concentrate.

"We can watch Witcher if you're not caught up?" Mike opens the pizza box and grabs a large slice of pizza. I can't help but watch as he bites into the dough. A long piece of cheese pulls away, and he uses his fingers to extract the cheese. Plopping it into his mouth. My dick pulses in my lap.

I turn away before he can catch me staring. "Sure, I've still got a few more episodes left." I scroll through the second season and turn on the last episode I was on.

"I'll get the lights." Mike easily manoeuvres himself off the bed despite his big body, but I still notice the way the bed bends towards him. Fuck, I'd love to have him draped over me, pushing me into the mattress.

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