[Chapter 3]

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We finally get to Zaiden's place and I nervously get out of the car taking as much as I can before Zaiden takes most of it and walks inside Where I'm greeted by a lot of familiar faces. 'Hey Ash! What are you doing here?? We're not leaving till tomorrow.' Tannar jumps up excitedly running over to hug me but for some reason I flinch back before Tannar slightly pulls back. 'I'm.. sorry I didn't realize..' 'What happened?' I hear Clide coming over before he grabs some things from Zaiden and looks over at me. 'Remember that Nate guy? The ine in the apartment complex.' 'Yeah?' Zaiden nods over towards me before Clide takes two looks at me and seems to realize when he gets to my neck and I try to hide it again only now remembering it's bruised. 'What a bastard.. How long has he been doing that!?' 'I dunno. I Just found out today..' I sigh before hugging myself. 'Maybe.. 2 years..?' '2 fucking years!? We gotta fucking kick him and strip him of his rank!' 'Clide...Different city we can't do that... we need to inform the city council so they can do that.' I hear Clide banging a hand on the table making me jump again before he looks over apologizing. 'It's.. It's okay...' Clide and Zaiden walk off holding my things and I follow them to a room before they place my things down. 'You don't really have much, You sure you got everything??' 'Yeah.. that's.. Everything I own..' 'geez.. Welp guess we're going shopping when we get home.' I try to argue but Zaiden walks off as if he can't hear me at all. I know I'm short but that's no excuse. After I finally calm down a bit I head back downstairs amd over to everybody else where they Invite me over to the kitche  with them. 'So, What kind of Coffee do you like??' I hear Tannar as he leans over by me. 'I guess.. just Coffee with 2 sugar and-' 'No no I mean like.. What kind of coffee..' I stare confused. 'I- just coffee..?' 'He means what kind of men are you into,' 'Oh-! Oh.. Uhm.. I.. I don't know..' 'Small cup or big cup? Black? White? Bitter sweet?' 'I'm.. Still figuring it out.. I've only ever dated one person..' 'ohh and what were they like??' 'He was.. a manipulative asshole... who outed me..' 'Oh.. Well that's not very attractive.. don't worry I've been there. Multiple bad relationships-' 'Because you settle for less Tannar, You gotta raise your standards.' 'To be fair I was trying to date guys to helo me get over Mike.' 'Did.. you ever get Over Mike?' I ask sheepishly before Tannar smiles at me Looking all innocent. 'Nope.. We're actually dating currently. Which is why I haven't thrown him with a pot yet. Somehow. Oh Mike I have an Idea!' 'What now??' 'We could have a game night-!' 'Please not because these perverts are going to wanna play strip poker!' 'You mean You?' 'Yeah, me and I won't allow it unless we're alone.' I gag at the two before I notice everybody staring me. 'Oh, You'll get used to it.' I hear Clide before Mike looks over at him. 'What is that supposed to mean??' 'You're a dirty minded-' 'Don't finish that sentence.' 'Whatever you say.' 'Imagine how Ironic it'd be if the universe sent Ash here because it finally found Zaiden a soulmate that can deal with his bullshit.' I watch Zaiden Glaring at Mike after his comment before I watch Zaiden walking off and I feel a chill down my spine. 'What.. was that about..?' 'Zaiden has Issues.. with mates..' 'Why..? Just date if you want to or don't if you don't..' 'Not that simple.. He has trauma thanks to his past. If he trusts you enough he might open up but I'm not spilling anything.' 'Alright..? Wait.. Is that.. why he has Nora..?' 'Yeah.' I turn to stare in the direction Zaide went off in before I feel a hand touching me and out of instinct I find myself pinning tanner to the counter on accident. 'Okay okay Uncle uncle!' I let go backing away. 'I'm so so sorry! I-I-.. didn't mean to I just..' 'It's okay.. It was instinct.. so no randomly touching.  It was my fault. I was going to say you should go after Zaiden.' 'O-Oh.. Uh.. Sure..' I lower my ears again before walking back up the hallway trying to Find Zaiden before I stumble across a slightly closed door where I hear Zaiden talking. 'You need to be able to sleep tonight y'know.' 'But I want to sleep now..' 'You're already starting school. When we get home your sleep schedule is going to be messed up.' 'Fine..' 'I'll read you a bed time story again tonight okay?' 'Okay.. Can we at least get Ice cream??' 'Sure bud. Same as last time.?' 'Yes! Can nora come-?' I'm about to turn and leave since I feel bad eeves dropping but. 'That new guy is called Ash right??' 'Yeah why?' 'I like him, Can he stick around??' 'That's not really up to me but if ya like him, Maybe.' 'Really?? Can I watch him dance tomorrow at rehearsal??' 'No! You saw enough on tiktok the other day.' 'I did not!' I smile before I head back to my room and take out my whips staring at them. I might get used to it here..

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